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Out of nappies - trousers keep falling down

10 replies

Jumperooh · 06/11/2017 15:22

My 20 month old is now out of nappies for daytime, but now his trousers keep falling down. He's always been the long, thin type of baby and there's just nothing there to keep his trousers up now that the nappy is gone.

I really want him in joggers or other pull on trousers for the next few months while we are perfecting the pottying. I just can't find anything that fits him.

Has anyone else had this problem? Any trouser suggestions?

OP posts:
Jumperooh · 08/11/2017 08:57

I think some cheap leggings might be the answer while he gets used to manipulating his own clothing.

And I will get my needle out to alter the joggers I've already bought. Grrrr!

After that I'm logging straight on to the Vertbaudet website.

Thank you all for your suggestions. Most helpful. Flowers

OP posts:
EvilCleverDog · 06/11/2017 22:17


Solasum · 06/11/2017 22:15

another vote for Vertbaudet. Also h&m joggers. I sew a pleat into one side to make them narrower

Jumperooh · 06/11/2017 22:13

Yes, Tuck the adjustable ones are a bit too stiff to easily tug down, not until he's had more practice at any rate.

Looks as if I'll have to trawl around for a few options. The Vertbaudet stuff does look promising so I'll start there.

OP posts:
TuckMyWin · 06/11/2017 17:52

H&M aren't too bad, actually- although I found in the early days of potty training they weren't ideal as we'd have to cinch the adjusters in so much they were quite stiff to pull down. Not so bad now he's a bit better at managing his own clothes!

SandLand · 06/11/2017 16:06

Mine dont wear joggers, as they arent very adjustable....
H&M were the best for us. You need the ones with adjustable waists. You can fix them loose enough to be pull down. Tight enough to stay up.
Consider sizing down - the legs often come up long.

BrioAmio · 06/11/2017 15:53

I have the same problem but mine’s 3! I just had to trawl the high street and eventually managed a pair from GAP, a pair from H&M and a pair of jeans from Primark that are pull on.

Thankfully he has short legs so I’ve been able To size down. He’s still in a pair of 18-24 Sainsbury’s joggers too!

He doesn’t look very stylish at the moment but I’m happy to compromise whilst in training, he doesn’t seem bothered either way!

Jumperooh · 06/11/2017 15:45

That's exactly it Grimm the elastic isn't tight enough on the waist and he has no bottom to speak of so the trousers just slide right down. Grin

Primark sounds like the thing to go for, there isn't one near us unfortunately. Perhaps I can bribe a friend or my mum to go to a branch near them.

I will try Vertbaudet too. Glad of an excuse Wink

OP posts:
TuckMyWin · 06/11/2017 15:28

Primark and Vertbaudet - the only trousers we have been able to use post potty training. Primark can be a bit variable but the joggers fit my super skinny boy well.

Grimmfebruary · 06/11/2017 15:24

Primark joggers have quite a narrow waist on the boys, they're about £3.50 a pair. Does the elastic waistband on most kids trousers not come in tight enough?

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