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Potty training

Apps for potty training?

4 replies

happygelfling · 29/07/2014 05:04

My GP mentioned yesterday that some parents she knows had found some potty training apps helpful. Does anyone have any recommendations?

We are doing well with wees, but withholding poos until the night time nappy goes on, so any poo related apps might be particularly helpful.

(Oh, the phrases I find myself using! Blush)

OP posts:
happygelfling · 29/07/2014 20:32

Thanks. I'll look up the Elmo one.

Mr Poo is an excellent suggestion, thank you. I read about it on some other MN threads and downloaded it from the Northumberland Tyne & Wear NHS Trust website (though I had to use their website search function as it doesn't seem to be possible to link directly to the document). DD loves it and is always talking about Mr Poo Blush. It hasn't fixed her reluctance to use the loo yet, but we're in early days weeks.

OP posts:
googietheegg · 29/07/2014 06:44

Watching! Starting potty training today Grin

CountBapula · 29/07/2014 06:35

Not an app but we used a pdf book called Mr Poo Goes to Pooland when we were having the same problem with DS1 and it worked really well.

MildDrPepperAddiction · 29/07/2014 05:58

There's an Elmo one my DSIS used for her dd. Don't know the name though.

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