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Is your child ready for potty training at nursery? Here's the place for all your toilet training questions.

Potty training

Starting Potty Training

5 replies

LAMP1234 · 02/04/2014 15:17

we are planning to start potty training ds 2.11 over Easter. He has already, on occassions, used the potty just before his bath for a wee. However he stands over it (with about as much aim as dp !) to pee. Obviously copying Dad. Should we let this continue or get him if possible to sit down so he learns to sit down for all toilet visits ?

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pottytrainingtips · 01/05/2014 16:21

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adfi123 · 18/04/2014 11:04

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Saroj977 · 18/04/2014 10:39

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LAMP1234 · 02/04/2014 15:56

I did think he's doing the right thing so let it continue, just didn't want the whole process to be more confusing than necessary. Cheerio idea might improve everyones aim !

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PirateJones · 02/04/2014 15:34

He will need to stand up at some point, so let it continue. (although i know some people who get their kids to sit at 5 and 6 becuase of the mess they make)
You can try putting a cheerio or weeto in the potty or toilet to give him something to aim at.

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