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Is your child ready for potty training at nursery? Here's the place for all your toilet training questions.

Potty training

No bladder control

3 replies

JaimeR · 29/07/2010 09:26

Help, Is my child ready? She's 2.1 years and will happily sit on a potty, will happily pee on a potty, can pull her trousers / pants on/off, but unless I remind her, and/or put her on the potty, she just wees and poohs indiscriminately. She doesn't even seem to be aware that she's about to pee.
When she poohs she stands up and moves off, so she's aware, but she doesn't use the potty.
Weeing. She's dry for the whole night & daytime naps, and can go for 2 hours without peeing, but can then go 3 times in an hour.
We've started the potty training completely. She's out of nappies (bar sleep times), but its day 4 and she doesn't even ask to go for a wee. I'm putting her on the potty, or asking her if she needs to go, but nothing, and then (generally 5 minutes before I think its time for her to be on the potty again) she will wet herself.
Do I continue, or do we stop completely and start again in a months time?

OP posts:
JaimeR · 30/07/2010 14:47

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I got so stressed about it that I have put her back in nappies. Thought I'd give it a good month before I try again. Part of me thinks she's not ready and part of me thinks I wasn't ready (although I thought I was mentally prepared).

Perhaps next time I will be more accepting of the process, but I just couldn't see it getting any better. As soon as I put her in nappies I felt a huge weight lifting, and my anxiety was not going to do her any good. I didn't think I was an anxious mum, but you live and learn. This was obviously my trial run and next time I'll know what to expect and not crack ....

OP posts:
Roo83 · 29/07/2010 16:39

I totally agree with pp. Started training ds when he was 2 and seemed to be doing great, but 1/2 accidents every day when I didnt get him pre-empt him needing to go. He got so fed up with me saying 'do you need a wee' every 5 seconds!! In the end handed the control completely over to him when at home, and after a few days of loads of accidents, he started to actually realise when he needed to go. He's 2yrs 3mnths now, and is pretty much dry day and night but I always take him to the toilet before we go out, and evry hr or so if we are at soft play, or a theme park or something. He does have occ.accidents where perhaps an older child wouldnt, but overall we are both a lot happier with him in pants.

MathsMadMummy · 29/07/2010 09:42

I'm certainly no expert, my DD is a year older than yours and is only just trained. she was scared of using the potty before this so it's great that your DD does like it.

I found that just letting her wet herself worked really well. before that I'd been so paranoid about her wetting that I was telling her to sit on the potty, but then I realised that she has to make the connection by herself, and if you keep telling her to use the potty, she won't.

on the first day DD wet herself twice and then started realising by herself. we don't need to remind her at home, though they do at nursery because she gets distracted.

it sounds like she's doing really well so it's worth persevering, it may be worth trying to give her the control, and trust her to realise by herself. it'll take a few more accidents first though! and if it really doesn't work out, then stop, because 2.1 is pretty young really.

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