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Postnatal health

Epidural pain

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OnMyJourney · 07/03/2024 03:45


I had my girl 4 months ago and during labour I had an epidural but the epidural never worked not even slightly (sad times 🥲) but I had it put in and we put in 4 doses of it (like they give you the button to press) and after all the drama it never worked and I couldn't bare to sit up and have another one put in as I was already 9cm, a week after having it I mentioned to my midwife the top of my back where they insert the needle bit felt numb and tingly all the time, she said not to worry yet sometimes it takes a while to stop, 4 months down the line it makes my back ache, it makes the ache radiate down my back it's annoying and uncomfortable, in anyones expensive has this ache gone away or is this just something I'm living with now? TIA

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