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As with all health-related issues, please seek advice from a RL health professional if you're worried about anything.

Postnatal health


1 reply

mentalbandwidth · 28/02/2024 14:43

Why does it feel to me that HCP are quick to go here's some pills now get lost. Suffering from bad PNA and even though I've repeatedly explained (as has my DH and DM) that any form of antidepressants / anti anxiety medication doesn't agree with me from previous experiences with them HCP are still saying well here's pills 🤷‍♀️

Sorry having a trying day, tried to contact crisis team and got the same rhetoric of take pills.

OP posts:
CadyEastman · 28/02/2024 21:48

Have they offered you any therapy at all?

The PANDAS Foundation are probably worth trying, I think they're open until 11 pm.

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