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Anyone gone to couples therapy

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ftmpleasebekind · 25/02/2024 10:39

Morning all.
Just wanted to get some advice from anyone that has been, did it work?

We have been together for 11 years (married for 2) and we have a 4 month old little girl.

We are both the type of people who just carry on with life. Don’t talk about anything and just carry on and deal with issues/problems/feelings ourself. Nothing to do with our marriage or the other person. We are both just stiff upper lip kind of people and both don’t like talking about how we feel.

I just wanted to ask if anyone who is in a couple like us has gone and has it worked? Or was it a waste of time as both or one of you just can’t open up.
With the arrival of our little girl I can feel our relationship changing, which of course it will. Just don’t want our lack of communication on how we feel to impact our marriage.

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