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Postnatal health

Prolapse 5 months pp

6 replies

bottomsup12 · 20/02/2024 21:54

Really terrified as I have been diagnosed with with a uterine prolapse and a rectocele prolapse.

I'm too terrified to feel my vagina and everything I read during my research is so so so bad....

Hysterectomy as treatment, having to wear a plastic ring in vagina, difficulty getting pregnant again (have one but want more!)

Has anyone got any advice I'm beside myself and so distraught :((((

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SallyWD · 20/02/2024 22:20

I'm sorry you're so stressed. I know how scary it is when you first get that diagnosis. I don't think anyone should be talking about hysterectomy yet. I've had uterine, bowel and bladder prolapse for 11 years (since I was 38). You're post partum so still have healing to do. It takes over a year to heal. Also, if you're breastfeeding that puts you in a low oestrogen state which means your vaginal walls are weak and everything bulges more.
I healed a great deal. I still have my prolapses but they really don't bother me or cause any problems at all any more. I've done pelvic floor exercises but have had no other treatment. I know I might become more aware of them after menopause but it no longer scares me. I'll happily wear a pessary if needed.
I hope you'll be given some good advice. You may only need to do pelvic floor exercises. Plenty of women with prolapses go on to have more children.

bottomsup12 · 20/02/2024 22:28

@SallyWD thank you so much for your kind and reassuring response.

I just can't believe this is even a thing, I had no idea before birth that this could happen and I wish I had opted for a c section as the recovery time is a lot better than my horrendous birth was!

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Scruffysitter · 20/02/2024 22:31

Hello, I really understand the fear and stress when you’re first diagnosed. I was beside myself when it happened to me and also posted on here. I’ve had a bladder prolapse since having my baby 3 years ago and my biggest advice would be to find a good women’s health/pelvic floor physio. You can ask your gp to refer you to an nhs one (which may be a long wait) or do what I did and see one privately. I’m a keen runner and when I was first diagnosed, I thought I’d never be able to exercise again. But my physio has given me the tools and the confidence to gradually get back into it. Honestly she’s been an Angel. Although it feels like it, I promise you that a prolapse isn’t the end of the world.

Animatic · 20/02/2024 23:12

There are different degrees of prolapse out there. I had a very easy pregnancy, straightforward birth, was very excited to bounce back in shape except smth felt weird down there (and then i checked in the mirror and it looked sxary). So I got checked and was diagnosed with prolapse. I did a course of physio interventions, it hel9ed +time. It's definitely better now, 7 years later. I don't feel it or maybe I am used to it. No surgeries or plastic tubes.

But I am terrified of having another child as it can make it worse (or nor, nobody can tell for sure).

My advise is find a physio as a starting point.

Zapx · 20/02/2024 23:19

I had what I think is a uterine prolapse after baby 1. I got a kegel8, and that combined with lots and lots of pelvic floor exercises got things into much better shape. I’ve since had two more babies, both over 9 pounds, and even despite that things are a lot better now than when I first had the prolapse! I was pretty devastated when it first happened, now it honestly doesn’t bother me. I don’t run though as I’m nervous it’d make it worse. But I do chase my kids round the trampoline park regularly which at one point I wasn’t sure I’d ever do again. I really hope you can start your healing journey soon!

bottomsup12 · 21/02/2024 07:22

Thanks everyone you've made me feel less anxious about it! Really appreciate you responding x

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