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As with all health-related issues, please seek advice from a RL health professional if you're worried about anything.

Postnatal health

Mental health/health anxiety

2 replies

coco111 · 18/02/2024 21:21

I'm 4 months postpartum and exclusively breastfeeding. I've always been quite an anxious person but I've noticed since giving birth it's so so bad. I have bad health anxiety and am constantly worried about the health of my 3 children as well as constantly thinking I'm dying. Before baby I would take vitamin b12 and b6 as well as exercise regularly and eat good which I believe really helped. Obviously now I am breastfeeding I know I have to be careful what I take so not taking any vitamins and I have 3 small children so just seem to be able to find the time or motivation. I really feel like I've hit a brick wall. I don't want to go to the doctors and just been given tablets. Do you think breastfeeding could be making it worse? Does anybody have any tips or advice what could help?

OP posts:
TTCX2 · 01/03/2024 22:26

Hi OP. Sorry to hear you’re struggling. I have no advice but just wanted to say I’m in the same boat. Not specifically health anxiety but generalised anxiety and just a feeling of dread and unease which can sometimes get to panic levels (where I worry I’m really losing the plot!). I often wonder if the breastfeeding is making me quite hormonal Which in turn effects my anxiety (like you, I’m naturally an anxious person but not usually to these levels). Hope you’re doing ok x

FoodieWoodie · 01/03/2024 22:30

Hi OP, does this generally happen around the time you’re breastfeeding, with your milk let down? You may want to look into D-Mer. Hope you’re okay ❤️

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