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As with all health-related issues, please seek advice from a RL health professional if you're worried about anything.

Postnatal health

Is it any concern

5 replies

GreenMember · 11/02/2024 22:19

Hi .it's 7 days since ending my last period.And I'm bleeding today the entire day .And I'm cramping in my stomach n lower back.what is this .plz see the picture.also is it of any concern? Thanks

Is it any concern
OP posts:
Hiddenvoice · 12/02/2024 05:12

Sorry it’s really hard to tell, it could be a very unusual and irregular period or could be something else. Was your last period normal?
Could always make an appointment with gp and see what they say.

GreenMember · 12/02/2024 05:40

Hi . thanks for Ur my last period was very light n the blood was mostly brown n not a lot of red blood.also a month a go I took primulet N so maybe due to that? Period is irregular..

OP posts:
Hiddenvoice · 12/02/2024 08:14

Sorry I’ve never taken a Primulet so no advice on it really but it could have delayed your period for a few days and it might be happening now. Are you still bleeding?

With your last period 7 days ago, did you try taking a pregnancy test with it being different?

GreenMember · 12/02/2024 12:51

Yes I'm still bleeding.i have not taken a pregnancy test.

OP posts:
GreenMember · 12/02/2024 13:12

Same thing happened to me when I stopped birth control a while ago n the Dr said it's uterine shedding?

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