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Postnatal health

Postpartum anxiety

2 replies

JDLXNDR · 10/02/2024 08:19

I’m hoping this is the right place for this thread and that maybe some other mum’s can offer some reassurance or words of wisdom.

My daughter is 1 week old and I am head over heels in love with her. It still feels very surreal that I’m a mum, to be honest. She’s completely changed my life and I feel so happy and proud of her.

Sometimes when I look at her, I cry. It’s like I’m so happy I’m sad. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m also experiencing some separation anxiety when I go to sleep and my husband takes over the night shift. I cried myself to sleep last night.

I think also because my husband has quit smoking but had a slip up and I worry that he’s going to smoke again, particularly when he’s taking care of her. It really makes me worry. I’ve spoken to him and at first he got angry but then reassured me it won’t happen again (I know quitting smoking tough!)

I also keep checking that she’s breathing.

Is this just me being 1 week post partum and hormonal?

OP posts:
rainyjanuary · 10/02/2024 09:32

I’m 10 weeks PP now and also felt really emotional in the first few weeks. I think for me it was that DD seemed so perfect and amazing that I felt sad time was passing so fast (even though in many ways it wasn’t) and anxious something bad would happen to take it all away.

I still have some anxiety but it has improved over time. Do your circumstances mean you and DH have to do ‘shifts’? It works for some people but if it’s not working for you, try another approach.

Hope you start to feel better soon.

Cdoc · 12/02/2024 16:07

Op this is so normal, please don’t feel alone in your feelings. I am 11m pp and still look at my baby most days and cry because I love him so much and can’t believe he’s mine. I also feel like I am grieving for every day that passes and every day that he gets older. I think I’m a bit too emotional about it all at this stage, but to be feeling that way in the early stages like you are is very normal. It never hurts to speak to your midwife or health visitor if you feel like the anxiety is taking over (I found the hv very helpful in this area).

Checking they are breathing is also normal!

Hope you do start to feel better soon though, as I’ve found it quite exhausting feeling this was for the whole 11m. Help is always there

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