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Postnatal health

9 months postpartum - mood swings & irregular bleeding

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lifeontheup · 06/02/2024 15:00

Hello to anyone interested enough to open this thread! I'm now 9 months postpartum and for the last couple of months I can't help but notice I'm having some sudden mood swings if I'm even remotely stressed by something small, where I seemed to just snap harshly at my partner over nothing really at all! It seems to be especially worse in the week before my period and is less worse as the rest of my cycle progresses, I think. Although I don't know if that's any kind of a link to be honest. Is this common? I just feel this extreme 'rage' at times but I don't feel depressed or sad at all. In fact I am loving being a mummy and enjoy being at home with my little one very much. It's worth saying that dad does more than his fair share in terms of parenting too and the domestic chores but I am aiming my anger at him unfairly anyway! I'm also supposed to be having a colposcopy as my 6 month check smear test came back with high risk HPV and cell changes - I last had one before I got pregnant as my smear test then came back with HPV. I attended the colposcopy and all was fine but would need to be checked again more regularly. Fast forward to now where I finally had that follow-up smear post-pregnancy and it flagged high risk HPV with some cell changes, and therefore another colposcopy being necessary. However I've had to cancel that twice now as the first time my period was two weeks late and then suddenly arrived 3 days before the appointment. And now I'm going to need to cancel again as I've had random dark black small clots like I'm about to have a period, but that's been going on for over a week now and no full period yet. So something is clearly going on with my body and I'm wondering if it's all linked? Just a bit worried as last time I called they said there is only so many times I can cancel (even though they categorically said they can't do it if there's any blood!) so I'm not sure what will happen with it. My periods up until 2 months ago were like clockwork once they started again 3 months postpartum.

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