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Postnatal health

Episiotomy refashioning- pain!!

3 replies

Catdogmouse1 · 17/07/2023 19:15

Just had my episiotomy/ 2nd degree tear repaired 10 weeks after giving birth. My goodness am i sore!!!! It is stinging something sore. The repair was mostly close 2 my back passage. Anybody else experience this? Ive a toddler and 10 week old baby 2 look after and get up with throughout the night. My hysband will help but it takes the 2 of us as the toddler is such a poor sleeper

OP posts:
Mrsandmother3 · 01/02/2024 19:48

Hi, interested in this post as whilst I didn’t have an episiotomy but a 2nd degree tear (5 years ago!) I have discovered today that I had an extra stitch and need to have that reversed. Sex for 5 years has been excruciating and I have no idea how I went on to have our third baby but I’m hoping the surgery will fix this. How did your recovery go in the end? I’m going privately so hopefully it’ll be a pleasant experience compared to the NHS 🙄

Aparecium · 01/02/2024 22:53

I had a 2nd degree internal and external tear that did not heal properly, so it was repaired under GA after several months. I was not prepared for how painful the healing was. I've had two 2nd degree tears, and recovery from them was far less painful than recovery from the operation.

It actually makes sense that the repair hurt more than the tears. During delivery your nerves are stretched to there and back, so they may well be less sensitive afterwards, numbing the sensations until you heal. After surgery my nerves were functioning just as well as before, so they had plenty to say about it.

My advice: a haemorrhoid cushion and diclofenac suppositories. People are unnecessarily squeamish about medication via suppositories, but the difference in pain relief between oral meds and the same meds via suppositories is significant for your privates.

BTW I did not tear at all in subsequent deliveries.

Abi138 · 09/02/2024 12:10

I told them how much the pain was affecting my daily life and they prescribed lidocaine gel which I rubbed on the area. This along with regular ibruprofen helped.

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