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Postnatal health

Bladder pressure/pain after childbirth

2 replies

Gogi1 · 15/05/2023 15:45

So I'm 6 months pp now. I had a forceps delivery with episiotomy and have some bladder trouble and wondering if anyone else has/is suffering like I am?

So I get pressue in my bladder like I need to constantly have a wee (even after having a wee) I only get it when I'm walking or moving about. When I'm sat still im ok.

I also have incontinence but I think this might be a separate issue. (Also due to this childbirth)

I'm currently having physio and seeing a urogynecologist, but I'm really struggling to find other women that understand any of this.

OP posts:
MysticalBae · 09/02/2024 17:22

@Gogi1 wondering how you are now and whether you got any answers? I am in the same position as you now I'm 7 months pp and feeling very down about it.

Gogi1 · 09/02/2024 17:29

@MysticalBae no I never got answers. I'm 14 months along now and still suffering with this sensation. I have noticed things like being on my period I feel better and if I have stool in rectum. So I wonder if its nerve damage. If you'd like to message me I can give you my number as its really hard to find others with this symptom.

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