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Postnatal health

Bladder prolapse - recovery stories

7 replies

Bex111118 · 21/02/2023 18:15

Hi all
I gave birth to my second son 3 weeks ago. He was back to back so labour was hard and the pushing stage was extremely quick (and a bit traumatic) with a 2nd degree tear and stitches. Once everything started to heal and settle down I noticed a full feeling inside my vagina. Have been to the doctor today and she said I have "a bit of a prolapse" - of my bladder. I did sort of expect thats what could be wrong, but nevertheless I am gutted and feel like it's the end of my sex life.
Does anyone else have experience of this? Did kegel exercises help? Did it go away? And lastly, did anyone have this and then go on to have another pregnancy? I was hoping to have a third child some day but am scared of the prolapse getting worse.

OP posts:
Healthworry · 14/01/2024 08:15

Hi there

Sorry to hear of what you went through. It is such a shock to make it through labour start to feel better and then notice something like a prolapse.

I am in the same situation now. 5 weeks pp on baby 2 and due to bad rhinitis in pregnancy (lots of sneezing and coughing for 4 or so months) I had a weakened pelvic floor before I even got to delivery.

I've been left with a bladder prolapse and I think my uterus might be sitting lower too as my cervix is very low.

How are you doing nearly a year on? Have your symptoms improved? In particular what did you find helped to ease the bulging sensation if anything?

Thanks so much.

IBE45 · 15/01/2024 03:54

@Healthworry I'm not the Op, but I thought I'd share my experience of a mild bladder prolapse six months postpartum as I know I needed these positive stories in the early days.

I felt my bladder prolapse within a couple of days of giving birth and felt a horrible, heavy, dragging, bulging sensation which got so much worse if I walked, laughed, stood or carried my baby. I could barely walk for ten minutes without needing to sit. And something as simple as standing to wash baby bottles at the sink was horribly uncomfortable.

At six months postpartum I can't tell you the last time I felt the bulging sensation. On particularly busy days with lots of lifting the pram in and out of the car, walking, carrying baby etc I feel a heaviness in my pelvic floor, but this is maybe a few days a month. And it will typically reset with some rest and pelvic floor exercises in the evening. I can now walk for miles and be on my feet all day symptom free.

What helped was doing the following;
-Doing pelvic floor exercises diligently.
-Using the Perifit Care device a few days a week. -Doing hip strengthening exercises regularly (think bridges, donkey kicks, fire hydrants, clam shells).
-Managing abdominal pressure.
-Avoiding constipation.
-Using the knack (squeezing my pelvic floor before lifting, bending, coughing, sneezing).
-Positive mindset (Instagram accounts like postpartum prolapse helped with this - there's a great online community on Instagram to tap into which will help you feel less alone).

My prolapse is still there. I don't think it will ever go away, but it doesn't dominate every waking thought the way it did in the early days. I know it is something I will have to manage for the rest of my life and that can be a very overwhelming thought some days, but now that I'm not symptomatic everyday it's a more bareable thought. Anyway, I hope this helps you.

Healthworry · 15/01/2024 08:23

@IBE45 Thank you so so much for taking the time to share your experience. It is great to hear how much things have improved for you in that time. It really does give me hope of feeling more like myself in a few months and being less consumed and distracted by the bulge (or checking it) all day every day as I am right now...

Could I ask if you breastfed and if so did you notice a change in symptoms when/if you stopped? I've read mixed things on symptoms improving after stopping breastfeeding so just curious...

Thanks again!!

IBE45 · 15/01/2024 11:57

@Healthworry breastfeeding didn't work out for us so I'm afraid I can't give you any help there. From what I've hears though, a lot of women do find that their symptoms improve once they stop breastfeeding.

It might help you to stop checking the bulge so regularly. I couldn't bear it, so hardly ever did and I think that helped me somewhat. When I do check, maybe once every two months or so I do feel an improvement. It's totally up to you, but constantly checking won't actually change your situation.

Please feel free to ask or private message me any questions you may have. I'm certain things will get better for you if you keep up with your exercises and pressure management. It seems like hardwork at first, but it's worth it in the longterm and will just become part of your life.

SoTiredNeedHoliday · 06/02/2024 17:35

has anyone had surgery for this? What is the process now after they have stopped the mesh surgery since it had awful effects on some patients

Firsttimemummie · 07/02/2024 14:59


IBE45 · 08/02/2024 20:09

SoTiredNeedHoliday · 06/02/2024 17:35

has anyone had surgery for this? What is the process now after they have stopped the mesh surgery since it had awful effects on some patients

I'm not sure, but there are other surgeries they can do. However, I think they prefer conservative treatments first (pelvic floor physio, pessaries etc.) as the surgery often fails within ten years I believe.

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