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Postnatal health

Sex/masturbation after a csection

11 replies

djtf84 · 07/10/2019 14:26

Not here for any judgement :)
How long after is it sec for sex after a c section? I'm 3 weeks in and feel fine now, and actually want to get back on track with that part of my relationship! I know everyone says 6 weeks? But how long did you wait for either?

OP posts:
djtf84 · 09/10/2019 16:00

All good guys thankyou, horror stories weren't true ☺️

OP posts:
cultkid · 07/10/2019 15:45

I had sex as soon as I wanted to but was very gentle which was about a week maybe a bit sooner
I did just in the end get my husband to touch me becuse I wasn't very flexible but it was so nice to be close after such an important time in our lives
Two sections and sex within a week both times

user1493413286 · 07/10/2019 15:28

No pain, I was paranoid about my scar so go gentle but I don’t remember anything about my uterus contracting

djtf84 · 07/10/2019 14:42

@Sheld0r thankyou! I was thinking that too

OP posts:
DaveTheGhost · 07/10/2019 14:37

If you feel ready then go for it. Maybe ask your midwife?

djtf84 · 07/10/2019 14:37

@MyDcAreMarvel I feel i could be judged on how soon it is but after a rough couple of weeks I'm now feeling quite normal :) and thankyou

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Sheld0r · 07/10/2019 14:36

No judgement from me. Listen to your body and take it slow. 6 weeks is a guide to give stitches time to heal. If you're gentle and careful there's no reason why you couldn't try if you feel ready. Maybe try starting with you on top so you'll have no pressure on your stomach.

djtf84 · 07/10/2019 14:36

@sashamichele @user1493413286 ive read horror stories about when your uterus contracts after an orgasm it's painful the first time?? I'm scared! Is it true?

OP posts:
MyDcAreMarvel · 07/10/2019 14:35

Why would anyone judge. Once the bleeding has stopped it’s whenever you feel ready. Be prepared that you may need to ask your partner to stop mid sex if it becomes painful.

sashamichele · 07/10/2019 14:32

When the bleeding stopped about 3/4 weeks

user1493413286 · 07/10/2019 14:31

The midwife told me that I could do it whenever I felt ready but it was good to wait until the bleeding had stopped. I think I waited 6 weeks but my recovery was quite hard going.

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