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Postnatal health

No motivation.. HELP!

2 replies

Leigh92 · 22/05/2019 10:09

I need some advice, my son is five months old and I have a 6 year old daughter too. Before I had my son I'd always get up before everyone else and have my shower and do my make up and get dressed so I was ready for the day ahead and now I'm doing the school run without showering and generally slob around most of the day. I leave washing and housework till very last minute, I just don't have the motivation to do anything. I'm not happy within myself, I lost my baby weight but I can feel myself gaining weight again. I've returned back to work but only 30 hours a week but I'm struggling with it. I'm so tired all the time but I'm getting enough sleep as my son sleeps 8-8 so I'm very lucky in that sense. I'm just feeling like the worst mum as most nights I rattle off some excuse as to why I can't read my 6 year old a bed time story simply because I can't be bothered I just want to do nothing. I don't know what's wrong with me. I need someone to tell me that this will go away and I'll get back to my normal self😥

OP posts:
Coffeeand2kitkats · 05/08/2019 16:40

This post is from a little while ago but just wanted to say OP that this is how I feel at the moment and it’s really getting me down

dolphin0798 · 03/06/2019 01:56

Hi OP,

I would suggest you get your thyriod levels checked with your GP this was the cause in my change of tiredness / mood.

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