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Ttc first baby catch up with our babies!

989 replies

Fivebyfive2 · 25/12/2019 12:04

Just putting this on in case anyone wants to catch up? We're all at different stages, so might be able to help each other out?

@Delilah7 @RanchoRelaxo @MrsR16 @thumper59 @trashkitten10 @Bostonfern @crossfitgirl sorry I know I'm missing people, I'm blaming newborn brain!

I'll leave the link on the 'pregnancy' catching up thread xxx

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ELW85 · 23/06/2020 08:55

New thread here all and apologies for anyone I’ve missed!! Certainly not intentional 😊

ELW85 · 23/06/2020 08:45

@Fivebyfive2, @MrsEG - that’s a great tip on play in the nursery! We’ve got lights etc and a mobile so every day while I’m getting ready, I put him in his cot and get him to enjoy it there so when the move comes, hopefully he’s fine with it.

ELW85 · 23/06/2020 08:43

@Fivebyfive2 - happy anniversary!! I hope you’ve been spoilt?
And a Chinese tonight; very jealous! Thank you for your lovely words last night. I shouldn’t get myself in a mess about it, and he’s definitely a lot more alert now etc but he’s probably sleeping about 6 hours through the day so I’m worried he’s just lying there at night awake. I’ll give the HV a shout but she’s terrible! She just told me to leave him be and if he needed sleep he would. So she’d leave him until he was a screaming over tired mess...then jump in the car with him. I know everyone is different but I can’t be doing that, for my own sanity if nothing else!

@MrsEG - it’s reassuring to hear that you and Fivebyfive2 have the same experiences of crying and waking. They’re so bizarre!
I’ve thought about waking him to be fair, but at night he’s in the habit of doing a near 8 hour stretch and then another 2-3...unless he’s awake in his crib and then I’d feel awful.
We’ve got a Snuzpod though and I can hear him resettling himself so hopefully that’s not the case.
I was wondering if napping on me has something to do with it too as I probably help him cycle to cycle, so today I’ve managed to get him drowsy in the Snuzpod and then asleep. God knows how.

I do feel like a bit of a fraud though on the in bed awake thing. He still gets drowsy or falls asleep having his night bottle, so I wake him up and then put him in the Snuzpod. Bit of a kick off and then asleep quite quickly. Same for his nap this morning. Does that count?!

MrsEG · 22/06/2020 19:46

@ELW85 well done on the ‘going to bed awake’! I honestly wouldn’t worry about babies waking and crying Conor does it literally every time! I think the only time he doesn’t wake and cry is first thing; he cries after every nap and if he wakes in the pram! Someone suggested to me it could even be reflux related - bringing some acid up on waking. Just saw your bit about him sleeping a lot - could you wake him? The boys would have well over their ‘appropriate’ (aka the amount I now know is enough to make sure they sleep at night!) if I left them to it so I wake them up.

@Fivebyfive2 8 year anniversary! Wow congratulations! Have an amazing day whatever you manage to do! If Joe and you aren’t ready for the big switch yet then just do it whenever it works! Could he maybe have a few naps in there to get used to it? Conor went through a phase of being a bit ‘scared’ of the nursery (I actually think he’s a bit scared of the dark now!) so I started sometimes taking him up there and playing with him in the cot, putting on the disco ball and trying to make it seem not scary!

Fivebyfive2 · 22/06/2020 19:02

@ELW85, he did thanks, how was your afternoon tea?? Aaahhh the Google curse! Could you maybe ask your hv or gp to try putting your mind at rest? I don't know much about leaps but apparently they can make a baby sleep more? If it is any consolation, Joe barely has the minimum of what is considered average sleep, ever! Also, he wakes crying sometimes, doesn't matter if it is fed, rocked, self settled, in his cot or on me, it's all rather random. Sometimes he cries, other times he wakes with a massive smile 🤷‍♀️

Hope you have a goo night at least xxx

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ELW85 · 22/06/2020 16:38

@Fivebyfive2 - you’ve got to do what works for you, so I totally get it!
I’m having a pretty rubbish day. Finn is sleeping way too much through the day (6 plus hours) and I’m starting to think there’s something up as he’ll often wake up crying too.
And I’ve worked myself up into an internet black hole about it.
Sorry for the outburst!!
I’m sure if I didn’t have him nap on me, he wouldn’t sleep that long.

Did DH like the biccies? I hope you had a lovely day!

Fivebyfive2 · 22/06/2020 15:58

Hi, how's everyone doing today?

So we've decided to keep to day naps in the cot and nights in the snuzpod for another couple of weeks, it's just not working right now having to go to him so often! Last night he went down in his cot (already asleep as he wouldn't go off in there) and was crying 10 mins later. Took him to snuzpod, lay him down with my hand on his chest (after a quick cuddle) and he went to sleep! He also only had 2 short wakes between 8 and 6 😀

It's our 8 year wedding anniversary tomorrow, can't believe it! We may order Chinese 😋

Weaning update - carrots are a hit but he is not sure about peas... He liked them yesterday but wasn't impressed today 🤷‍♀️ Will keep trying. Broccoli tomorrow I think!

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Lemonysherbet · 21/06/2020 22:40

@Larrydavid how are you getting on? I'm doing much better thank you. Those 2 days were scarily intense but I feel more and more like me each day since. Hoping it carries on. I've realised I can't make many plans or I find it too overwhelming!

Fivebyfive2 · 21/06/2020 15:28

@ELW85, tbh I count anything that doesn't involve me having to pry my nipple from Joe's mouth a break in the feed sleep association 😂

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Fivebyfive2 · 21/06/2020 15:26

Hi all!

Joe napped really well yesterday (2.5 hours at lunchtime!) and sleep was meh but not awful, although he was in the snuzpod. Today he's clearly too excited by father's day as naps have been a struggle but has been very happy, laughing while we're trying to get him to sleep, despite the laugh turning into yawns 😂

Here he is, giving peas a chance!

@ELW85 @MrsEG, love the pics!!

Ttc first baby catch up with our babies!
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ELW85 · 21/06/2020 15:21

@MrsEG - oh my god, look at them! I feel like they’ve really grown up since the last photo?
Are you having a nice day?

Quick question all; last night we did our usual bedtime routine (ending in a bottle) but Finn was awake (but drowsy) after. Awake enough to be chatting away to me, anyway!
I put him in his Snuzpod and he looked like he was going to drift off (but didn’t) I put a hand on his chest and when he got a bit grizzly, gently tapped his bum but stopped just before he fell asleep so he fell asleep on his own. Sort of.
Would you consider that enough of a gap to break the feed to sleep association?
To be honest, I’m just happy he went to sleep in his Snuzpod whilst drowsy and IF it works again tonight, I’ll gradually reduce the patting etc.
Pray for me!! I was indescribably happy last night so let’s hope it continues!!

MrsEG · 21/06/2020 14:55

@ELW85 Ahhh he looks so cute!! The boys look like they just ran through the washing line today 🙈 had a very puke-y/leaky nappy morning so I just had to get them in to something clean before we left the house! I just about made it through yesterday; I kept trying to nap when they did but they had shocking naps too!! 10 mins, I managed! Luckily they slept great last night and naps today have been fine so I’m catching up with myself a bit now! Starbucks drive through sounds sooo good, as does afternoon tea delivered to your door! Have a fab day.

@Larrydavid Oh gosh intensive care! How frightening for you and Rory, I hope she’s completely fine now and it’s just an old distant memory! I bet you are just so glad to have pregnancy behind you! Have a lovely day today!

Ttc first baby catch up with our babies!
ELW85 · 21/06/2020 13:19

@Larrydavid - I love that name!! It was on our girl list 😊
Oh God I didn’t know she was in intensive care; that’s awful, and obviously you being in and out too.
I’m pleased you’re all alright now though, and hope you’re having a lovely day today!

Larrydavid · 21/06/2020 11:21

Morning! Sorry I've been a bit crap at replying to your lovely messages - I think I wrote one and then got distracted by Rory! Will write a proper post soon!

@MrsEG I love the name Rory - we've used it as a nickname for Aurora. Your boys have grown so much already! Beautiful. Yeah the birth and pregnancy was a bit complicated - I was hospitalized 8 times I think before I had her - then she spent the first 11 days in intensive care but it's been so lovely since she's been home! I cleaned a rug by 7am yesterday - the benefits of no sleep!

@Lemonysherbet How are you feeling now? Hope you're feeling a bit more like you're old self. Sending hugs!

I know I had other messages but I can't scroll backwards at the mo on the app! Will reply properly soon x

ELW85 · 21/06/2020 10:34

Morning all!

Happy Fathers Day! Hope you’re all having a lovely day so far?
We’ve had Starbucks in bed and getting afternoon tea delivered later; woo!
Here’s little Finn in his Father’s Day best 😊

@Fivebyfive2 - I hope yesterday went well and you’re feeling a bit better today?

@MrsEG - did you get enough coffee to survive yesterday?

Ttc first baby catch up with our babies!
ELW85 · 20/06/2020 10:40

@MrsEG - oh god, what a night!! And poor Ruairi. Do you have those frozen ring things? Can’t remember what they’re called!
Definitely sending you a virtual coffee. I’ve taken to driving Finn to the Starbucks drive through to try and get an independent nap in...and get a toastie and caffeine 😂
That’s what I said about tummy time! We all crawled etc without it!

MrsEG · 20/06/2020 10:11

Morning ladies,

Had a very new night last night! Both boys can roll on to their fronts now; but last night Conor kept doing it in his cot and then couldn’t roll back; he’d wake me screaming and I was in and out rolling him back! At about 5 I figured it was useless trying to get back to sleep and got up. Had all the downstairs floors hoovered and mopped before half 6 haha. I’m so tired!

Ruairí is also teething very, very badly - he’s been so upset since he woke up so I’m dealing with that today. Send coffee!!!!!

@Fivebyfive2 I honestly thing the reason sleep issues affect us as much as they do is because it causes you utter sleep deprivation - remember, sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture!! We need our rest and when we’re being prevented from having it we can’t think clearly at all. Joe will get there - think about what your mum says! He may just need a bit of time! You are not failing at all - Joe is doing amazingly well!

@ELW85 Glad he had a better night! It doesn’t matter if he’s waking - all babies do, the good thing is he’s settling himself back to sleep which is great! I get told the same about tummy time all the time. I can’t remember who told me if it was someone here or one of my NCT friends but she reminded me that none of us did it and we don’t all walk around with our necks slumped forward so they’ll figure it out in their own time haha! The boys just hate it so I don’t force it on them. I do most of theirs on my chest where they seem much happier!

@TrashKitten10 yaaay Daisy!! She’s off now there’ll be no stopping her! Get baby proofing the low shelves!!

ELW85 · 20/06/2020 09:33

Morning all!

Swaddled Finn last night which I think helped although he’s definitely waking up and putting himself back to sleep at night. At one point he was just lying beside me (snuzpod) chatting away.
Then snoring, haha!
He had a better night of a 6 hour stretch then 3 taking us to 6.30. I even got him to put himself to sleep with a dummy for a nap yesterday but he’s absolutely not having it today. I’m gutted!!

HV went well yesterday; basically he’s ahead developmentally and his weight is tracking in a line but he doesn’t do enough tummy time.
She had no tips for me on sleep other than go for a drive or let him “have a radgie” which is Geordie for CIO.

@Fivebyfive2 - I am so, so sorry that you’re having a rough time. I really hope your outlaws don’t rip you to shreds as this shit is hard and you’re doing a fantastic job. Joe is gorgeous and happy and he has you to thank for that.
And never apologise. We all have our really low days, and we’re all here for each other.
We’re going to see my Dad in their garden tomorrow and then I’m getting an afternoon tea delivery for DH from Finn.

@MrsEG - I know what you mean about being more than just Mum and I feel the same; I just honestly never thought I’d feel this way.
Probably going to coast in my career for a bit 😂

@TrashKitten10 - go Daisy!! That’s awesome! I bet you’re so proud.

Fivebyfive2 · 20/06/2020 08:42

Happy weekend all! Another awful night was had here 🤦‍♀️ Joe was awake 6pm until 9.30 and then woke at 10.15, although thankfully went back down after 15 mins or so. From around 8ish he was yawning and rubbing his eyes, alternating between crying and laughing at us?!! He was then awake 2 till 3, during which dh woke to find Joe crying in his bed and me crying on the floor, so yeah, no drama here at all, everything is fine. Sigh. Got him back to sleep and dh took him down when he woke at 6 so I could rest a bit. He's napping on the sofa with me now.

I'm gearing up for a visit to the in laws later, fully prepared to be ripped to shreds for not letting him cry / still breastfeeding / holding him too much / my existence in general 🙄

Sorry to be such a downer. In the day I actually feel OK, I keep thinking 'maybe tonight will be better' or I'll look into things that could help etc. I can look at Joe doing so well in other areas like feeding, his babbling, etc and think 'he's just a baby, he'll get the hang of sleeping when he's ready, just like he's picked up other stuff, it's just taking him longer'... But at night I just can't shake this 'failed' feeling 🙁

Anyway, enough of me and my pity party! What's everyone's weekend plans? Everyone sorted for fathers day? I've got dh a personalised book about him and Joe and a giant box of chocolate biscuits 😀

OP posts:
Fivebyfive2 · 19/06/2020 19:03

@TrashKitten10, go Daisy, get going and they'll be no stopping you!! My mum just rode it out with my bro, he's still an awful sleeper now at 35!! It's nice to just be told that it's not necessarily something I'm doing wrong. Yeah we're trying the cot again tonight, I'm determined to at least start each night in his room and hopefully gradually he'll get used to it 🤞

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TrashKitten10 · 19/06/2020 18:46

@Fivebyfive2 Aww, bless you. Did he settle in his snuzpod? Did your mum have any tips for what worked with your brother? That's the downside to them being in their own room, it feels like an awful long trek to see to them compared with rolling over to the snuzpod doesn't it :) Are you going to try the cot again? It's not a mum fail at all, all babies are different and they all have good days and bad days and things they find easy and difficult. Try to focus on the things that are going really well, like his eating. The sleep will come :)

@MrsEG Haha a break from bums :) The bodily functions of small children is indeed my specialist subject. I used to go home to have a break from uttering such phrases as 'Whose is this poo on the carpet?!' 'We don't wee behind the tipi' and 'My dress is not a hanky' God help me when I've got it at work and home :) Are you taking the full year? God I do hope things are more normal by then, it will be pretty bleak and depressing if not 😩 hoping that working part time means being able to do some of the classes we have missed out on so far when they eventually start up. Yes, how come they can get back to sleep so quickly but it takes us forever!

In today's news, Daisy did her first little crawl! Immediately went back to tummy shuffling when I tried to video her but it definitely happened and DH was chuffed that he'd just got home to see it. He's jammy like that, I'm with her all day whilst she whinges then she performs for him 😂 she did exactly the same with her first roll, waited until he was home haha. Also she has started clearly saying 'mama' which is melting my heart even though I know it's just meaningless babble 🥰

Fivebyfive2 · 19/06/2020 17:22

Hi ladies, didn't want to post this morning because last night left me feeling really deflated! Took an hour to get Joe down and he woke every 2 hours! At 3am I gave up and he was in his snuzpod, I just didn't have the energy to keep going and settling him in his room. Felt like it was a Mum Fail 🙁

But I chatted to my mum and she totally gets it, basically Joe is exactly how my bro was for sleeping, made me feel better! Plus, today has been nice, dh has had loads of time with him, he even did a big poop for papa while I was out buying about 47 birthday cards 😂 He ate his peas like a champ, took his baby vitamins really well and even attempted crawling again earlier! He is currently napping on me and I love it 😍

All this back to work talk... I'm dreading it!! I've really surprised myself, thought I'd have the year and maybe go back early if I wanted... No way now!

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MrsEG · 19/06/2020 15:16

@TrashKitten10 Ha oh god!! You’re a hero to do that all day for a living! It’s a break from all the bums I’m most looking forward to! I don’t go back until December and dear god I hope there’s been some normality before then but it’ll be nice to have a few ‘grown up’ days!
Oh Daisy! It’s crap when they do that isn’t it, just at random - like you’ve been sleeping so well, what happened?! Ruairí was up at 3 thrashing about but he wasn’t crying so I left him to it, but luckily he drifted off after about 20 mins. I’m the same though by that time I was bloody wide awake!! These babies!

TrashKitten10 · 19/06/2020 10:38

Well Daisy decided 3:30am was a wonderful time to wake up this morning. Took 1hr15 to fall back asleep but to be fair to her I didn't need to go in, she just chatted, fidgeted and rolled around, having a little cry out every now and again, falling lightly asleep and waking back up until she finally properly nodded off. Unfortunately it took me until probably 6 to fall back asleep but I thought she might let me off by having a lie in. Wrong. 6:30 she was back up ready to properly start the day. Monkey 🤦🏻‍♀️

@MrsEG I know what you mean about looking forward to a little break. I'm going back 2 days a week from September and I'm really looking forward to being something other than 'mum' for a couple of days, but still having plenty of time to be with Daisy. Mind you, I'm an early years teacher so I'll be having a break from arse, nose and tear wiping to go back to work and do arse, nose and tear wiping 🤔 Never mind 😂

MrsEG · 19/06/2020 09:59

@ELW85 Swaddling really saved nap time in particular for us when they were younger, it stopped that reflex with their arms that kept waking them up!!
It is weird - I used to be exactly the same always gunning for the next biggest event, wanting more management responsibilities etc and now I feel like I’m just going back for a break from the boys haha! I do really enjoy my job which helps but I just am looking forward to the fact I’ll have a few days ‘off’ from being Mum; I think for me personally it will just be so helpful for my sense of self! This lockdown especially has made me feel like JUST mum, no gym, no nothing basically to do for me outside of them. It’s been a very weird adjustment!
The nurses thing is shocking isn’t it. Yep I saw something that said on the 25th Bozza will be making a big announcement. I’m wanting a wine bar and the gym to open - and more family contact for a spot of babysitting!!

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