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When did baby tummy troubles pass?

8 replies

babayagga · 16/04/2018 20:59

DD is three months old, but still grunting half the night trying to fart and crying when she succeeds. Bear

When did your baby’s digestion settle?

OP posts:
babayagga · 07/05/2018 18:42

She is EBF, though when younger she was on Aptamil colic formula for some of the time, and that didn’t change anything.

OP posts:
Sontagsleere · 30/04/2018 23:43

Is she on breast or bottle? If formula, which one?

babayagga · 30/04/2018 23:30

user1483387154 - I’m so sorry to hear that! Sounds like a nightmare. I am going back to work when DD turns 7 months, and I can’t imagine coping with her digestion troubles and and work at the same time... Confused

OP posts:
bloomsburyer · 30/04/2018 20:45

4-5 months and at 8 months now it's all long forgotten. Things like this change once they can sit up independently.

springmachine · 30/04/2018 20:34

11 weeks was a major turning point for my DS when we could stop using the gripe water. Before ten we were using gripe water at every feed

user1483387154 · 30/04/2018 19:39

About 9 months old. D30 camomile medicine, wind salbe for massage, infacol, energy plasters all tried but it really took that long to settle :(

babayagga · 30/04/2018 19:37

Thanks for your answer!

OP posts:
Lonoxo · 28/04/2018 21:28

About 5-6 months, baby now burps by herself. Colic is tough. We used gripe water, infacol and the colic hold. HV said babies grow out of it which wasn’t useful to hear at the time but it’s true.

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