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Come talk to me about the LOCAL Elections

3 replies

gagamama · 06/05/2010 09:20

So, I'm pretty sure I know who I'm voting for in the general election this evening. However I seem to have totally overlooked the local elections and haven't seen/been given any kind of literature on the candidates in my area. So I'm not really sure who is even standing.

I'm quite impressed with my current local Conservative council TBH, even though I would never vote Tory in the GE because I oppose all they stand for. How much are local councils affected by the ideology of the main party? Would it be stupidly hypocritical to vote tactically against the Conservatives in the GE and then vote for them in the LE?

Or are we electing councillors rather than parties in the LE? Having not really seen anything written about it I'm slightly confused about what I'm even actually voting for.

Then there's the other school of thought that I should vote the same party on both ballots in case I stupidly get them confused and vote Tory in the GE.

Argh... can anyone shed any light? I feel pretty empowered about my GE choice but the LE is leaving me feel stupid.

OP posts:
gagamama · 06/05/2010 09:37

Thanks, that helps. Although having Googled a bit, I have read variously that my council might in fact be either Labour or Lib Dem. Helpful. But I have found some manifestos for my area on some very obscure website so that will help. Hurrah.

OP posts:
longfingernailspaintedblue · 06/05/2010 09:28

You elect your local councillors in the local election; if enough local councillors from one party win across the borough then they will govern the council.

And there is nothing wrong with "splitting the ticket" as the Yanks call it.

LadycAshcroft · 06/05/2010 09:25

We know the local Labour candidates, as they ergh local. They are also always canvassing and campaigning. And then go on to lose.

I do not know the Tory local councillors, as every other year they retire, resign, have enough. We must have had local elections almost every year in this ward.

They all more or less offer the same. For us it is the elected mayor that counts.

We live in Tory local ward in a safe Labour parliamentary constituency. What does that say about us?

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