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Flame, theUrbanDryad and any others

6 replies

jofeb04 · 22/07/2007 21:07

I really want to borrow some books on Wicca and Paganism. It is something I am really interested in, and tbh, something I believe in. I just don't know much about about it.

Has anyone got anything that they are willing to lend to me for a week?


BTW, my email is

jopowell1 at yahoo dot co dot uk

OP posts:
theUrbanDryad · 25/07/2007 22:35

Atlantis, not Atlastis

that'll teach me, trying to watch a film and type at the same time!

theUrbanDryad · 25/07/2007 22:34

hi jo - i'm really sorry, but i don't feel comfortable lending books out, even to people i know! i've had too many books go missing! but i can recommend anything by Doreen Valiente, Ronald Hutton, Janet & Stuart Farrar, Marian Green and pretty much no-one else!

if it's published Llwellyn or written by someone with a stupid name (like Silver RavenWolf or something like that!) then it's probably nonsense...likewise American books are often rubbish.

have a look at Pagan Dawn, it's a magazine which has moot listings and see if there's a group in your area you can get involved in. also, if you can get into London, go into Atlastis bookshop, which is by the British museum, and ask if they can recommend anything. they're lovely in there, and they know their stuff!

good luck!

jofeb04 · 22/07/2007 21:15

Hi MoSM,
I'm not asking for anything specific, just general (?)

OP posts:
mumofSlytherinsmonsters · 22/07/2007 21:14

can you google it? its a bit like asking someone for their bible imo. not something i would do

jofeb04 · 22/07/2007 21:10

It would be if I took my old books back

OP posts:
jetjets · 22/07/2007 21:09

Message withdrawn

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