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How to address a Catholic Bishop?

20 replies

LynetteScavo · 26/06/2016 20:45

It's Catholic confirmation season here.

DC have been told to address the Bishop as "Your Grace"

DD insists it's "My Grace" Hmm But she's 10yo and charming and will probably offer him some cake at the same time so he won't notice.

Debretts tells me it should be; " Roman Catholic bishops are addressed in speech within their community as ‘My Lord’ or ‘Your Excellency’"

I'm going with "Your Grace".

OP posts:
Toddlerteaplease · 16/08/2016 15:00

Just. Catholic bishops in this country are not Excellency. Archbishops only are 'your grace' And it is My Lord not M'Lord!

JustGettingStarted · 31/07/2016 07:03

Unless they're also a Cardinal... That's "Eminence." and of course the Bishop of Rome is "Holiness."

I think maybe I'm wrong about the "Grace" thing... Apparently it's a thing in England and Wales for Catholic bishops.

JustGettingStarted · 31/07/2016 06:56

I think "Grace" is for Anglican bishops. "Lord" is certainly only for CoE archbishops (there's two of them and they're in the House of Lords.)

I believe Catholic bishops are "Excellency"

LaurieFairyCake · 31/07/2016 06:43

I just snorted my coffee at 'Len' GrinGrin

In my head I said it in Dougals voice

pearlylum · 31/07/2016 06:36

I would call him Mr X. The fact that he is a senior member of the sky fairy club is of no significance to me.

MadameCholetsDirtySecret · 30/07/2016 16:57

Wing you beat me to it!

Shallishanti · 30/07/2016 16:52

...and remember the answer to any tricky question is 'that would be an ecumenical matter' Grin

WingMirrorSpider · 24/07/2016 08:48

Yes, I also get my information from Father Ted.

I believe the correct way to address him is 'Len'

CreepingDogFart · 24/07/2016 08:44

It's not "My Lord" it's "M'Lord".

Toddlerteaplease · 16/07/2016 10:23

Our last bishop liked to be called by his first name. And just loved it when a girl with Down's syndrome called him Malc. The new one is more formal and its Bishop X, which feels odd.

Boogers · 16/07/2016 10:22

I'm smiling at the thought that knowledge of the Catholic church comes from Father Ted! Grin

I'm sure it's "Your Grace". Whatever you do, don't do a Father Jack!

alltouchedout · 16/07/2016 10:15

If you're not sure I can't see how "Father" would ever be offensive. I don't hobnob with bishops or indeed rank and file priests but surely "Father" is fine if you don't know the exact term.
If he's a nice man he'd probably find "my grace" quite sweet wouldn't he? If he's the kind of man who'd get annoyed that a small child hadn't got his form of address exactly right then he's not worth bothering about anyway!

sashh · 16/07/2016 10:07

And what ever you do don't try to kiss his ring!!

Or kick him up the arse.

When the bishop came to my RC school we were told to call him 'My Lord', some of the kids from my brother's school attended, they had been told to say 'Mi' Lord'.

Toddlerteaplease · 29/06/2016 15:46

And what ever you do don't try to kiss his ring!!

Toddlerteaplease · 29/06/2016 15:46

My close friend who is now an Archbishop detests being called My lord or your Grace and prefers 'father' or being called by his first name.

Fink · 28/06/2016 10:23

It's My Lord for a bishop, Your Grace for an archbishop (only in the UK). Depends on the bishop though, quite a lot prefer an informal Father. If in doubt, go with My Lord. Unless you're sure it's an archbishop.

Pootles2010 · 27/06/2016 15:05

Ha! yes i only knew this because of Father Ted Grin

jcscot · 27/06/2016 15:04

"Your Grace" is how you address and Archbishop, a Bishop is addressed as "My Lord" and a Cardinal as "Your Eminence".

PinkBuffalo · 26/06/2016 20:50

It is Your Grace
Pretty sure with your DD being only 10 no one will bat an eye though Smile

Numberoneisgone · 26/06/2016 20:46

Yes 'your grace' or certainly that is how Father Ted addressed Bishop Beennan.

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