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Love spells, do they work? Can someone advise please?

53 replies

littlecrystal · 23/04/2013 15:16

My marriage is failing. My H does not do talking so we cannot resolve our issues. I think he does not care enough for me so he does not feel like making an effort. I would like to return that love spark in him, so he wishes enough to make that effort, and then hopefully we can reconcile.
It sound a bit ancient but I believe that positive mind flow can change things, so perhaps it could work.
Any advice or recommendations? Please be serious, I don?t need a lecture?

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drmpozi · 29/11/2019 14:54

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jenkins12 · 29/09/2019 22:31

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jenkins12 · 29/09/2019 22:31

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nishadhasan · 21/10/2014 04:57

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LegoCaltrops · 06/10/2014 22:19


Beastofburden · 06/10/2014 22:13

Well it sounds as if positive behaviour and not shouting at home have been very good things.

DioneTheDiabolist · 06/10/2014 22:13

Is there a spell that can make men and DCs do their domestic cleaning duties better?

I'd love one of those.

pursuinghappiness · 06/10/2014 22:07

I don't know about love spells but I am reading a book called relationship Rewind that suggests ways to get relationships back on track. The key is reigniting in the other person blissful moments that you shared so that they feel connected to you.

Basically a lot of it focusses on doing things to boost your own self esteen, reinstating a friendship and then doing/saying things to make the other person feel valued.

vdbfamily · 21/09/2014 08:37

There is a good book about different 'Love Languages' that talks about how different people express love in different ways and if we think that our way of expressing it is the only way it can lead to alot of confusion. My husband is not a verbal communicator and sometimes this drives me mad.I could count on my fingers and toes how many times he has actually said 'I love you' but he expresses it in other ways.He has just brought a lovely freshly ground cup of coffee up to me in bed whilst he gives the kids breakfast.To me that is his morning 'I love you'. Relationships can also go through difficult/stale patches. I read another good book that suggested that at these times,rather than get into a negative spiral,if you continue to behave in a loving,caring way towards your partner,they will respond to that subconsciously and it will bring out the best in them.Maybe this is what is happening with your positivity.So keep it up and see if he does too. All the best. It is worth fighting for.

Lushlush · 02/09/2014 14:05

I did a love spell when I was quite a bit younger and I found a lovely man. I could easily have stayed with him my whole life but I unfortunately got bored with him as he just wasn't 'enough' for me. We did not have enough in common. However the relationship was certainly the easiest I have had out of 4 live in relationships and I only have fond memories by and large.

I did a love spell a few years since being a single parent and it has not worked at all however! I have also placed rose quartz around my bedroom to no avail. I look attractive and meet men quite a fair bit in real life but I just haven't found one suitable one all these years.....

Must be the fact I am a lot older that there is only dross left - at least that is the only conclusion I can come to. Plus my standards are exceedingly high these days!

fgary81 · 10/08/2014 04:17

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CheyenneLouise · 06/07/2014 08:25

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profpato · 04/07/2014 23:38

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EhricLovesTeamQhuay · 30/04/2013 15:36

as long as I do the "right" things he will respond positively. As soon we meet a problem, we are back to the square. I don't know if the positivity can be sustained but at least I have a hope...

That's your problem there. He is king of the castle isn't he? No onions with pins in are going to change his core belief that he has the right to do whatever he likes, live a single life with a wife in the wings, throw you crumbs like cleaning the house and as long as you behave like a good employee wife he won't threaten to divorce you..

Sorry, but counselling is what you need. Individual not couple. Your self esteem is way low to accept this.

Twosugarsplease · 29/04/2013 21:48

Just to add it cost me £1.75 on a market stall, you can get them anywhere that sells those candles that make you sneeze type of places Grin

Twosugarsplease · 29/04/2013 21:44

Place a rose quartz in the south west corner of your home.
I did this after reading an article soon after My ex left, apparently it attracts pure love into your home.
I believe it did Smile

littlecrystal · 29/04/2013 13:00

Some uptade here. I still carry the pins in my handbag - have not had the courage to do the love spell.. However I have been meditating that I am in a pink love bubble surrounded by love. I also "put" my wishes for happiness and love to H's drinking water.
I also have been more positive about that we will overcome our issues rather than thinking of a potential divorce.
I am also working on not being shouty at home - he hates that.

The outcome: we have reconciled (well at least from non-talking for few weeks), got a bit closer and more intimate, he cleaned our house without me asking and took out DC shopping with him, again without me asking.

I feel a bit like in a bubble - as long as I do the "right" things he will respond positively. As soon we meet a problem, we are back to the square. I don't know if the positivity can be sustained but at least I have a hope...

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LeoandBoosmum · 29/04/2013 01:30

I don't want to tread on toes - and no offence to AnAirOfHope - but I think you can stick red pins in onions until the cows come home...that won't change a thing imho. I can understand your desperation but think about it logically! How the hell is sticking pins in an onion (or any other bizarre ritual) going to salvage a marriage?
I do think being positive is important but the spell thing...nah...
If I were you I would attend Relate alone (you can alone if your partner won't accompany you). It might give you some insight into your own thoughts, mindset, approach to the issue.
I am really sorry but if your husband has ceased to love you and wants out then his mind is made up and there is not much you can do to change that. If he loves you and is open to working on the relationship then there may be a chance... I really don't want to hurt you but it sounds like he has checked out of the relationship already.
You don't want to lose your marriage, I understand, but if your husband admits he no longer loves you and doesn't want to make the effort (I'd ask outright and hope he has the backbone to be honest) to rebuild the marriage, then you are wasting your own time...and time is precious!
I hope things work out for the best for you.

TheUnicornsGoHawaiian · 28/04/2013 06:27

Oooh me too marisa Smile

bluebeardsbabe · 28/04/2013 06:11


marissab · 27/04/2013 16:50

I'll pm you. It's a bit urghh!

bluebeardsbabe · 26/04/2013 18:42

I could do with one of those Marissa...please explain how :)


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marissab · 26/04/2013 18:28

You can always make a charm to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex Wink

marissab · 26/04/2013 18:24

Havn't read the rest of the thread but as an experienced pagan i would urge you to think again. I was dating a guy who'd had a previous bad relationship so was very reluctant. So being frustrated i did a complex love spell over a few days. The guy became so overwhelmed with feelings, i literally scared him off in the other direction. If you do love spells, you are trying to make someone feel something that they weren't already feeling so against their wishes iyswim. I would instead, do a house blessing and ask for peace and harmony and a happy home.

littlecrystal · 25/04/2013 22:08

Thanks again everyone. My H agreed to go on short holidays with us in mid-June, so not everything's lost. I have "put" love, warmth an happiness for H into his water bottle. I wish happiness for him and love for myself. I try to imagine myself in a big pink love bubble.
I will come back to tell how the love spell with the onion and pins is working...
I don't want to go against free will, but if love is there, please come out.

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