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a starter book for 4yo DD

2 replies

whattodoo · 23/02/2013 21:44

I am a Christian, but not a churchgoer. My faith is not something I talk about regularly, nor does it dominate my life.

I guess you could say I believe in God in a low-key way.

My DP has little interest in religion.

We are both happy for DD to find her own faith (although I would prefer for it to be Christianity).

But she has been asking lots of questions about God and Jesus recently, and death and heaven.

I answer her as best I can, and see talk about the origins of Christmas and the very basics if Easter.

But I'm becoming stumped on some of her questions (does God get ill, can you talk in the sky, I don't want Grandpa to look down on me, why don't people drop out of the sky etc etc).

I think its time to get her a simple book, not bible stories (Noah, Moses etc) more something that I can read with her to help her understand God.

I did suggest we go to Church and she could ask her questions there, but she said that I could go and find out for her while she stays at home and plays with Daddy!

Any recommendations?

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technodad · 23/02/2013 23:11

Just tell her the most likely truth, the only thing that is observable.

There likely isn't a god, but many people believe in different things. All we know is that when people and animals die, their bodies are turned into compost by bugs, bacteria and worms, and that compost creates new life, by making plants which feed animals (including humans). And so the cycle continues.

It is beautifully simple and all completely true.

Your child will find their own way when they are old enough, if or when they decide to believe in non fact based explanations. why burden them whilst so young, they accept reality without question and it is not scary to them?

whattodoo · 23/02/2013 21:44

Sorry - that was a long post for a little question!

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