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Petitions and activism

Please help! Petition about school transport in Essex.

2 replies

Fanjango · 29/01/2014 15:55

Hi. Essex county council has put out a proposal that free school transport should only be given to the nearest, by suitable pathway, school. The problem is there are several schools where the only catchment senior school is not geographically the closest. The net result of this is that in one small town alone 90 children per school year will be faced with a huge transport bill just to attend their catchment school. Thus is madness. The local Mayor set up a petition but we need the numbers raised before the council meeting next week. I was hoping that'd elbow mumsnetters might be kind enough to help.

petition here

OP posts:
Fanjango · 29/01/2014 22:06

Hopeful bump

OP posts:
Fanjango · 29/01/2014 15:56

Argh, sorry about the typos, the children are home from school Grin

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