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epetition for single measles mumps rubella vaccines

38 replies

hertsmum3 · 14/05/2013 16:21

An epetition has been set up to campaign for parents to once again have the choice of either MMR or single vaccines for their children.

If you would like to sign up, just copy and paste the link above into your browser and follow the instructions on the website, it only takes a minute or so.

The link can also be found on the JABS website home page.

OP posts:
hertsmum3 · 14/05/2013 21:12

If you read the factsheets issued by the World Health Organisation then you will see that singles are just as effective in protecting against Measles, Mumps and Rubella as the MMR.

OP posts:
Suzieismyname · 14/05/2013 21:28

So why are you shunning it?

EleanorFarjeon · 14/05/2013 22:15

I would not want my young children to be vulnerable to measles, mumps or rubella for longer than necessary, which would be the case with single vaccines.

I would hate to make them have 6 injections when 2 would be the obvious choice.

We are lucky that we have a well tested, safe & effective combined vaccination available.

Introducing single vaccines would contradict all of the evidence that proves the MMR is safe. It would, imo, unnecessarily undermine confidence in the vaccine.

BrienneOfTarth · 15/05/2013 08:15

Introducing single vaccines would contradict all of the evidence that proves the MMR is safe. It would, imo, unnecessarily undermine confidence in the vaccine.

^ THIS - exactly this.

sashh · 15/05/2013 08:22

ALL vaccines carry an element of risk.

So does everything in life. Even drinking water.

EhricLovesTeamQhuay · 15/05/2013 08:36

The take up would be lower because lots of people would choose the single vaccines who would previously have chosen the mmr, because of some vague notion that they are safer. Then, because you have to have three plus boosters instead of one plus booster, people would forget, leave long periods between jabs, protect against one/two but not all three etc. protection would be lower than it is now.

EhricLovesTeamQhuay · 15/05/2013 08:38

My parents believed that I only needed to be vaccinated against rubella because of the risk to pregnant women. Lots of people think like that. I contracted mumps as an adult and had a miscarriage. I want herd immunity against all three diseases and I believe the mmr is the right way to achieve that.

CatherinaJTV · 15/05/2013 08:39

((((ELTQ)))) Sad

EhricLovesTeamQhuay · 15/05/2013 09:33

Thanks Thanks
It's ok, it was a long time ago. But I tell people about it to try to challenge the idea that mumps is a mild childhood illness because it's not. Not to mention that is can cause sterility in adult men.

Beachcomber · 15/05/2013 09:35

Thanks for this. I will sign it.

The NHS say themselves that the length of the protection given by the MMR is different for each virus and I think people shouldn't have to have a triple vaccine each time they need to be protected against one virus. (a teenage girl who may not be protected against rubella but who is against mumps and measles for example. Why give three vaccines when she only needs one?)

The singles should never have been withdrawn in the first place - then the government wouldn't be facing a 'loss of confidence' situation now.

KateSMumsnet · 15/05/2013 10:15

Morning all,

We will be moving this thread to our petitions noticeboard shortly, as per our rules.

coorong · 16/05/2013 21:12

I bet a million quid, if they introduced single vaccines, there'd be more complaints about how many appointments each parent would need to get through the schedule .... I'd be in and out of the doctors surgery like a yo yo

coorong · 16/05/2013 21:13

keep the MMR - nothing wrong with it

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