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I'm definitely not a regular on this board! Every week though, my child's teacher writes up the week's notices..

10 replies

Liffey · 20/10/2008 15:14

and every week it says "remember to wear trainers on Monday's and Wednesday's".

I have crossed out the apostrophes, but they're still there, week after week after week.

What do I do? NOthing? The teacher is lovely btw, the children all love him, and he's very good-humoured and energetic and has brilliant ideas. He disguises maths as bingo for example. My dc thinks she does no work at all!

So, it's a small issue that I should ignore, isn't it?

OP posts:
Liffey · 21/10/2008 17:59

ha ha!

OP posts:
UnquietDad · 21/10/2008 17:44

I also remember getting a letter home saying that the children were going to be "studying the art of Van Gough this week."

That'll be Damon's lesser-known younger brother, then? Aka Badly Spelt Boy?

UnquietDad · 21/10/2008 14:50

All teachers should be teachers of correct English.

Liffey · 20/10/2008 15:45

Bran, that is his Christmas present sorted! I was going to give him a lemon drizzle cake, very mumsnetty, but sod that!! He doesn't deserve a lemon drizzle cake.

OP posts:
Liffey · 20/10/2008 15:44

She is only five, but the teachers move around every few years, so he could be teaching her again when she's 8.

If I have to see that mistake coming home every week for another forty weeks, I'll go insane!!

Anonymous note would have been a good idea, except now that I've sent the note back with the apostrophes scribbled out, I think he'd know who it was from! STILL wouldn't know where to put an apostrophe though

OP posts:
childrenofthecornsilk · 20/10/2008 15:18

Tell him, he needs to know. He'll get hung, drawn and quartered if ofsted see it!

bran · 20/10/2008 15:18

Give him this as a Christmas present.

WowOoo · 20/10/2008 15:18

Think it's shocking that a teacher writes that. I would write an anonymous note or something. The whole class will pick up his bad habits otherwise.

constancereader · 20/10/2008 15:16

No you should tell him.
That is awful.

FCH · 20/10/2008 15:15

No - hang him

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