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Tom Walker's Song "Just You and I" - is it grammatically incorrect?

6 replies

MontyBowJangles · 31/03/2019 20:51

It's really bugging me. I didn't think you could complete a sentence or caption with "you and I".

So the first part of the chorus when he says "My darling, you and I could take over the world" is fine. But then when he keeps singing "just you and I" it's grammatically incorrect?!

Yes, there is a reason why I posted this in Pedant's Corner ! Blush

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MontyBowJangles · 01/04/2019 14:57

Yeah I'd always thought you should put the other person first as it was more polite. Ie when captioning a photo "John and me" (not John and I which some of my friends do!).

Anyway, the song is completely over played and over rated imo so I don't like it for those reasons Grin

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DadDadDad · 01/04/2019 13:10

I note earlier in the lyrics, he has "Me and you we can hold this..." which strictly speaking should be "You and I, we can hold this...". However, in an informal setting, I don't see anything wrong with using "Me" to introduce the subject, just as you might say: "Fred, he voted Leave. Me, I voted Remain."

Justawaterformeplease · 01/04/2019 00:54

Oh sorry, no. I read your title as grammatically correct! Which it is! So, no, it’s not grammatically incorrect!

MontyBowJangles · 31/03/2019 21:38

Yes it's incorrect?!

OP posts:
Justawaterformeplease · 31/03/2019 21:24

Yes, because what he’s saying is Just you and I (could taken over the world) so it’s still the subject of the clause, even though the clause is incomplete, if that makes sense!

MontyBowJangles · 31/03/2019 21:21

See here...

Tom Walker's Song "Just You and I" - is it grammatically incorrect?
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