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I feel awful

35 replies

cinnamonbun · 17/02/2010 19:36

I went to a cafe today with DD (8 months). Had a brief chat with two other mums on my way out when I hear my DD screaming. When I turned round she had fallen head first out of her pushchair - I had forgotten to close the straps!!! Luckily she was fine and stopped crying after about half a minute but I felt like the worst mother and I'm sure everyone else in the cafe (it was packed) thought the same. After I picked her up and tried to leave the pushchair kept falling over (along with other items) as the bag hanging on it was so heavy and people kept having to pick things up off the floor for me, I felt like such an idiot and amateur mother! I keep thinking my daughter could have really injured herself and still shiver at the thought of what happened.

OP posts:
Jamieandhismagictorch · 18/02/2010 16:31

I made DS2 s eyeballs bleed by using out of date eye drops in them. He was 9 months old.

Won't do that again either.

PotPourri · 18/02/2010 13:33

Oh we've all done it. But you won't forget to strap him in in future. All';s well that ends well - don't beat yourself up.

solo · 18/02/2010 13:29

It is something that plays on your mind though because of the possibilty of a 'throwback'. I knew a girl once whose brother and 3 sisters were all a beautiful coffee colour, but she was very white with straight dark hair.
If in years to come my Dd has children, she could so easily have a black baby as her dad is dark(half west Indian)and my own Dad was east Indian. I just hope that if her husband/partner is white that he'll understand all of these possibilities!

nickschick · 18/02/2010 08:50

Solo bcos we dont know for sure (my mum died when i was 11) and although i have v dark hair im very pale skinned- ds1 was blonde and fair it must have been in the back of my mind that this might happen,it wasnt something id mentioned before to dh -although obviously hes was just a shameful moment on my part .

solo · 18/02/2010 00:05

Well, Dd is mixed race, but very white/blond/blue eyes!!!! I would maybe have been prepared for the q? had she been olive skinned with dark hair, but then again, that describes me, so...who knows!

I can imagine your Dr's face nickschick!

nickschick · 17/02/2010 22:24

Lol solo at the same father part

I have a v politically incorrect story about that....I dont really know who my father is,if he is who i think then he is a half caste man so bearing this in mind .....ive just had a cs with ds2 under g.a and the consultant is stood at the foot of the bed ....tell me mrs xxxxxx do your children have the same father??

me ohhhh myyyy baby is a black baby isnt he?????

very bemused Dr looking anxiously at dh who is laughing at me being half asleep and saying these wacky things .....errrr no mrs xxxx just that ds2 is vv small and ds1 was rather large

scrappydappydoo · 17/02/2010 22:09

Well I overtipped dd2s buggy and she fell out when she was 8 weeks old!! She was fine I wasn't I got so flustered that like you I just dropped everything as I attempted to flee the scene.
Also dd1 fell down the stairs and broke her arm when she was 11mths after I had forgot to shut the gate properly...
Positive from situation - you won't do it again!!!!

MrsGravy · 17/02/2010 22:04

I've done the forgetting to strap them in the car seat thing too. And when DD called out from the back 'Mummy you've forgetten to do my straps' what did I do?? Slam the brakes on

Luckily I wasn't going too fast so she didn't bump her head that badly

To err is human unfortunately - even when you're a mum!

solo · 17/02/2010 21:58

Oooh! I did the 'cut the tip of the finger off' too...would not stop bleeding. I felt terrible. Went to practice nurse who phoned A&E, took her to A&E and the doc then asks me if both my children have the same father... Obviously, only women who have 2 children by two different men 8 years apart would cut the tip off their 3mo babys finger.

EssenceOfJack · 17/02/2010 20:28

I once drove all the way home from hospital where my precious 4 week old DD2 had been admitted and tube fed after bronchiolitis, to discover I hadn't done her straps up.
And I stil have to bribe DD1 with chocolate to let me cut her nails since I cut the tip of her finger off.

BlauerEngel · 17/02/2010 20:26

Dd1 had appalling colic until she was 3 months old, and the only way we could get her off to sleep was by putting her on her tummy on one of our chests. Obviously we were knackered after a few weeks of this. One evening I was dozing on the sofa because it was DH's turn with the tummy sleeping, when I heard a loud thump and then a baby wail and some very strong language from DH. He had forgotten she was lying on him and turned over in his sleep, catapulting her across the room and onto the wooden floor. Obviously we did the A and E dash in a mad panic, convinced that social services would be called and she would have concussion and that we were the worst and tiredest parents ever etc etc.

We solved the problem after that by sleeping in the middle of the bed with a loose sheet over the baby's lower half to stop her flying off!

She's now 11 and it doesn't seem to have damaged her at all.

TheBreastmilksOnMe · 17/02/2010 20:25

Your not alone! DS is 17mths and so far I've trapped his fingers in a draw, scratched him with my long nails, knocked him flying in my haste to get to the bin before he did, tripped him up, soaked him with cold water after tripping up with a glass of water.... If he survives till adulthood he deserves an award, poor mite. Kids are tough and luckily have very short-term memories when they are so young. You can tell her all about it though when she is older, or maybe not if it's her that's in charge of deciding what to do with you when you are old and senile!

DorotheaPlenticlew · 17/02/2010 20:20

, Otter!

That would give me nightmares. Gah.

I have a friend who grew up in Texas and has loads of stories about giant millipede-type things, spiders and scorpions ... thanks but no thanks, I'll stick to Scotland and the occasional house spider. Which I sincerly hope the DCs will never try to eat.

OtterInaSkoda · 17/02/2010 20:13

Although it might have been a millipede.

nickschick · 17/02/2010 20:12

and yuck otter ,lol

OtterInaSkoda · 17/02/2010 20:11

I know a man who, as a baby, was found with HALF a giant centipede hanging from his mouth. They lived in Africa, btw. It was a proper, poisonous, giant centipede, not just a slightly larger than normal, commonorgarden British centipede.

nickschick · 17/02/2010 20:02

in my defence a punnet of grapes had been dropped all over the floor ds3 saw a random one and popped it in his mouth - bit down and realised it wasnt !!!!!!! spat it out screaming its a thlug its a thug ive eaten a thlug im gonna die.....

nickschick · 17/02/2010 20:00

lol cinnamonbun .....ds3 ate a slug

Jbck · 17/02/2010 20:00

DH (clumsiest man in the world) and I had a bet on how long it'd be before he banged DD1's head off something, dropped her or generally caused her harm. Who did it first and has continued doing similar to both DDs -you guessed it me

I am not clumsy in any other way but my kids must cower every time I come near.

cinnamonbun · 17/02/2010 19:58

Nickschick OMG! That reminds me of when my younger brother was about 2 and we found him under the kitchen table munching on dog food (those dry pellets)...

OP posts:
ChocolateCakeWillMakeMeRich · 17/02/2010 19:55

I have also cut a teeny finger whilst nail trimming. I have trapped fingers in doors and so forth. I spill juice onto my DCs regularly and my current shameful secret is that I'm constantly knocking DS over with my mahoosive arse.

Does that make you feel better?

nickschick · 17/02/2010 19:55

My ds once drank half a bottle of johnsons kids bubbly bubble bath and began to burp amd hiccup .....everytime he burped or hiccuped a froth of bubbles came out ......I rang the G.P and explained this to the practice nurse who laughed her head off and rang the poisons centre to check .....


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cinnamonbun · 17/02/2010 19:54

Lol OtterInaSkoda!

OP posts:
cinnamonbun · 17/02/2010 19:53

Aaw thanks everyone! God, what was probably only a few minutes felt like forever when I was desperately trying to get out of that cafe and the bloody pushchair and all its contents kept falling on the floor again and again and people were getting up trying to help and I was red like a tomato trying to comfort my daughter...

OP posts:
OtterInaSkoda · 17/02/2010 19:50


I ought to add that ds is now 9 (years that is) and absolutely fine. Although only his father is allowed to cut his nails.

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