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Does everyone have a playroom for their children?

89 replies

Gateau · 10/08/2009 09:23

Everyone I know seems to have a separate playroom for their children. We don't. Although it is huge we only have one living room and DS plays with his toys here which means our living room is never wholly an adult space, whereas my friends have a room that is always tidy - just for them. And the kids play elsewhere. In fact my friend is having a conservatory built - just so the children have a playroom! It doesn't bother us but am just wondering if we are the odd ones out? At the end of the day we stack DS's toys in boxes near the window to get some space back, and of course to let DS knows this has to be done.
It's no big deal but am just musing.

OP posts:
Guadalupe · 10/08/2009 10:28

We never have before but we're moving next week and the new house will have a playroom.

The table fits in the kitchen so the dining room will have all ds's toys in as his bedroom is a tiny box. Ds1 is going to have his computer stuff in there too.

I have no idea how it will work out, whether they'll actually play in there or whether the toys will migrate all the house like they do here.

TAFKAtheUrbanDryad · 10/08/2009 10:31

We have a very long living room, one end of which is where the toys and stuff is. Dd's Ambinest is there too. The idea was that the other end of the living room would be "grown up" space, i even toyed with the idea of putting a big stair gate across the middle of the room, but guess what? I haven't and there are toys all over my living room!

I agree 100% that putting toys away at the end of the day is a very good lesson for children to learn.

Buda · 10/08/2009 10:33

I am in Budapest and we have a huge basement which I tried to use as a playroom but DS doesn't like being down there on his own. In our previous house here we did have a playroom. It wasn't huge but big enough for extra TV with Playstation, a two seater sofa and lots of storage. DS did comment yesterday that he much preferred that house as the playroom wasn't in the basement.

GreatUncleBulgaria · 10/08/2009 10:36

Had one when they were smaller (now taken over by DH who works from home) but they didn't use it really anyway. DS (6) has toys in his room and some in a unit in the living room, DD spends a lot of time in her room, she's 11.

When they are older I'm planning to replace the shed and climbing frame with a larger insulated shed so they can vanish off out of the house with friends.

WhereTheWildThingsWere · 10/08/2009 10:38

Yup, we have a play room it's called 'our downstairs'.

DottyDot · 10/08/2009 10:39

Yeah right - it's called their bedroom which ds's share and keep all their toys in!

When we moved house a year ago we moved into a lovely but small house, so the rule is all toys must be kept in their bedroom (they got the largest double to share) - they can play with stuff downstairs but it goes up after being played with.

A year later it's working pretty well and at least means downstairs remains kind of clutter free..

PuppyMonkey · 10/08/2009 10:48

Our dining room is currently the playroom. Our kitchen is big and we have a dining table in there, so it all works out well.

Once dd2 gets older and is ok to play upstairs in her own bedroom etc, we will probably revert back to the dining room.

I do prefer to have a nice adult living room, where I know I won't trip over lego or a baby dinosaur when I am zonked out in the evening.

juuule · 10/08/2009 10:49

No we haven't got one.
Their stuff is everywhere.

anniemac · 10/08/2009 10:51

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proverbial · 10/08/2009 10:54

You're not in the bit of Ireland I am then! No playroom here, tiny house so no room at all. Kids share the master bedroom so have toys in there.

TabithaTwitchet · 10/08/2009 10:56

We haven't got one. DD doesn't even have a bedroom. She has a box of toys in the living room and one in DH's office (I won't allow toys in our bedroom).
When we finally manage to move house and she does have a bedroom, all her toys will be kept in there.

MuppetsMuggle · 10/08/2009 11:00

DD plays in her room or my room (we live in a flat) i'm currently sat on my bed in agony with my back and cramps which I want to go away DD is playing nicely in her room

mejon · 10/08/2009 11:05

DD hadrly plays in her bedroom which is where her books are kept but we do have a very tiny and otherwise useless conservatory where most of her toys are kept. She will occasionally play in there but it is either boiling hot (enough to melt all her crayons) or freezing cold so most of the playing gets done in the living room.

claireybee · 10/08/2009 11:13

We do but only because our landlord has converted the garage into a room. We use the end of it for storage (buggies etc)then the rest of it has all the toys in. They don't really play in there much though because it is a bit gloomy and is freezing in winter

Phoenix4725 · 10/08/2009 11:13

nope dc toys throughout house.Though do admit would love a adult onlyroom so if nothing else would always be tidy for vistors.But our frontroom tiny also has table in to eat at as kitchen to small and is ds playarea as he has a cupboard small 7 by 5 bedroom and he cant climb stairs either

whomovedmychocolate · 10/08/2009 11:16

No playroom and toys migrating to every room her - I woke up to find a small plastic teacup stuck to my bum today

Looks like a bloody branch of toysrus most mornings

laughalot · 10/08/2009 11:19

No playroom here either I would love one though .

arabicabean · 10/08/2009 11:24

Playroom completely essential here - so much in the way of toys, books and toddler furniture to accommodate (also, I like my other rooms to remain minimal and calm).

disneystar1 · 10/08/2009 11:26

we did have a playroom but tbh was a waste of time they rarely played in it was a mess and took a lot of cleaning up
also imagine putting say 10 puzzles and a few board games in there if SOME children are not supervised they tip it all out and who has to sort it out = me

we turned our playroom into a games room and now its cool with xbox 360 and ps3 etc....awesome bean bags this is where my dh is found lurking on a weekend afternoon

this is a big new house and before we didnt have the room for a playroom or anything, most of my friends dont have them either as we all have a lot of dc,s
some of my 1 children couples have a 6 bed house and often boast of there playroom/nursery, then there dh is never ever home as he has to pay for the damn thing, result 1 lonely little girl rattling around in her few playrooms.

i like the toys and games in the lounge its a shared house my husband and i share it with the dc,s my room is a child free one not the lounge

squatchette · 10/08/2009 11:27

We have one as they share a smallish bedroom we put cable in for a while but have moved it up to the bedroom now so no tv in there and tbh they don't use it half as much as i'd hoped.
DD3 is still a baby so still have 3 toy boxes in living room as i need to be able to watch her .I use the playroom for my sewing too and it's handy for messy crafts etc .
I think when dd3 gets big enough to go in her own room (soon )i'll move the elder 2 into our middle bedroom AKA as the junk room or gym room.It's got one of those stupid big York gyms that DP bought when we only had 2 girls and didn't need the space.Then i wont need a playroom .That's my plan anyway now I've thought about it!

edam · 10/08/2009 11:28

No playroom here. In theory the conservatory should be a playroom/dining room but actually dh has turned it into his junkroom.

Even if we had the conservatory as ds's main toy room, I'd still have toys elsewhere as a. this is his home too, hate the idea of excluding him and his possessions from the rest of the house and b. it's a three storey house so keeping all the toys downstairs would never work.

sparklycheerymummy · 10/08/2009 11:31

My dds playroom is soon to become a nursery so she is losing it...... she prefers to be where we are anyway as she is an only child!!


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Gateau · 10/08/2009 11:32

"i like the toys and games in the lounge its a shared house my husband and i share it with the dcs"

Have been thinking that myself, disney.

OP posts:
PinkyMinxy · 10/08/2009 11:40

We have a playroom- like others it is our dining room, but it's not overloaded with toys. It has one cupboard with toys, a small bookcase then a tall art cupboard with all the making stuff in, and some small tables and chairs, and a large chalkboard painted on one wall which gets used a lot.

The DC have a dressing up box in the sitting room and some toys in their bedrooms. When the DC are older we'll just put the dining table back in, I suppose, though it's a gate fold one as we never used it all that much anyway. We put it away when our first child kept trying to pull himslef up against it when cruising and it looked like it would topple. The sideboard is still in there, though.

True to form, however, they are currently sitting in the sitting room watching wonderpets!

lynniep · 10/08/2009 11:46

well yes - its called the living room, and the dining room (actually that's also my office but I seem to have got the short end of that stick space-wise!) and it has recently spread into the conservatory since I cleaned it out.

I bought some of the expedit shelving units to put in the dining room, and his train table is in there, so thats where he mainly plays, but it was never meant to be 'the playroom'. We are however, TV dinner types, so we never eat at the dining room table. (dont flame me - thats just the way it is!!)

He has taken over the whole of the ground floor, but we dont mind - it comes with having kids. At least the living room stays relatively clear - things get pushed to the side at the end of the day. I imagine this will change when DS2 arrives - because we're going to end up with playmats/bouncers/baby paraphernalia taking up that space. Such is life!

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