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Bad mummy

5 replies

Momma23 · 11/06/2009 10:49

I am here sitting on the sofa on mumsnet in my nightgown, Kids still not dressed and i dont have the energy to even dress them. House is like a tip......

OP posts:
misshardbroom · 12/06/2009 15:42

really sympathise. You're not a bad mummy, just knackered and disillusioned. I had a lot of days when mine were really tiny where I didn't bother dressing them. Can identify with the bit about not seeing DP too.

Do you go to anything like toddler groups / regular meet-ups with mates / playgroup at children's centre?

serajen · 12/06/2009 14:31

It can be mindnumbingly dull but I promise, overall, time passes so so quickly, how old are your little ones?

Momma23 · 11/06/2009 11:50

Thanks, have managed to put on cloths (the oldest tracksuit i have) look like a minger. One child and i bit have been dressed. Getting there slowly. Feel like i do the same thing day in day out never changes. DP see kids for 1 hour in the evening. O so feed up with it all.

OP posts:
12StoneNeedsToBe10 · 11/06/2009 11:36

sounds like my saturday last weekend (mind you DS can dress himself - but the "chores" didn't get done and i didn't move all day). No worries - felt much better on Sunday so it was all good.

serajen · 11/06/2009 11:35

Hey, don't beat yourself up, we all have those days, take it easy on yourself

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