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Was asked to remove all baby's clothes at clinic 10 mths-weight

25 replies

lipstickjungle · 05/12/2008 21:57

Went to the baby clinic and was asked to remove my son's clothes, he is almost ten months, though i was told that after six weeks its not necessary and there were three other mothers there they did not-is that the procedure now, i asked hv when it all started and she said august but i was there in sept so why? i do understand that with what has been happening to babies it is a good thing but why not have it for everyone.

OP posts:
ilovemydog · 07/12/2008 21:53

lol at colditz

nannyinbristol · 07/12/2008 21:48

It might give an oportunity to check for injuries, but that's not the prime purpose. You may as well not bother weighing them at all if they're fully clothed, especially in heavy winter clothes.

TheCrackFox · 07/12/2008 21:43

Smartiejake, I didn't bother with the whole weighing thing after the 6 week check. If they are feeding well and seem happy then there is no point. TBh the whole naked thing is just checking for injuries.

meandjoe · 07/12/2008 06:49

Naked til 12 months here, then just in nappy/ pants til 2 here.

Pregapuss · 07/12/2008 02:12

At all of the baby clinics in this area they are naked until 1 year. I can't wait to be able to just stick her on the scales! Worried they will ask me to remove her clothes as she is very small for her age.

Bubbaloo · 07/12/2008 00:21

At our baby clinic the babies are undressed to be weighed and have been for as long as I can remember.

LivingLaVidaLurker2 · 07/12/2008 00:16

I found this strange too and always refused to undress DS (not DD a she was FB and I had no idea that I was allowed to say no.)

sticksantaupyourchimney · 07/12/2008 00:09

ISTR it being standard to weigh under-1s naked when DS was a baby (he is 4 now) simply because that gives a more accurate weight each time than having to adjust for different clothes. Was it really really cold iin the clinic?

cheeseandsproutssarnie · 07/12/2008 00:03

year here not worry about it tbh.

gagarin · 06/12/2008 23:57

From kellymom

"Baby needs to be weighed on the same scale with the same amount of clothing (preferably naked) each time to get an accurate picture of weight gain. Different scales can give very different readings (I've personally seen a difference of a pound in two different scales); clothing or diapers can vary in weight and throw the numbers off."

smartiejake · 06/12/2008 23:35

I only took mine to be weighed until about 2 months. I was obvious that they were a healthy weight just by looking at them.

They can't force you to take them to be weighed!

StephanieByng · 06/12/2008 23:30

I wouldn't get upset about this at all. It is good they are doing their job; if they had a concern, when your DS was undressed they would have seen no problems, therefore it was never going to be an issue. We need to let them do their job so that they can pick up the cases they need to.

There's a link on another thread to an article by Libby Purves in the Times where she says that she thanked the HV for examining her son undressed; she wanted him to have all his own rights as a little human being in his own right..

I think that's a good way to think about it. these policies are to give all kids their rights and we need to swallow any loss of parental pride we may experience.

SnowballsintheSky · 06/12/2008 23:29

Naked here too. Never thought about it as the clinic is like a sauna whatever time of year you go.

dobby2001 · 06/12/2008 23:04

yep till 12 months here too - DD always peed - or i would realise as i was undressing her she had pooed on the way down to clinic

Nighbynight · 06/12/2008 23:02

It is very upsetting if health professionals pick on your family alone for some procedure that looks like checking for child abuse. Whatever the policy is, it should be the same for everyone, or else made clear that it's voluntary.

littleboyblue · 06/12/2008 23:02

Mine was weighed naked until 12 months, I thought it was a standard practise.
I did not enjoy being pee'ed on at every session though!

psychohohohoho · 06/12/2008 22:59

all of mine were weighed naked until fact DD3 and DS2 were until they were 24mths or thare-abouts as their weight was an issue for a looooooooooooooong time.

I was always told that is was because wet nappies plus jeans can effect their weight quite considerably at that age, so naked gave more consistancy.

clemette · 06/12/2008 22:58

They do it until 12 months here. And older if they wear cloth nappies.

Colditz · 06/12/2008 22:47

My HV used to insist on this because I was depressed and she was a stupid, ill educated and ignorant bitch who probably would have gained IQ points if she had had the lobotomy she so clearly needed as long as the surgeon left his watch in her head by accident.

Colditz · 06/12/2008 22:45

They are checking for injuries.

Harsh but true. After the Baby P thing they will have tightened their procedures.

thisisyesterday · 06/12/2008 22:44

at ours they are always weighed naked until 12 months.

maybe the other mums requested not to?

UniS · 06/12/2008 22:42

for a winter weigh in it makes sense to get rid of heavy outer clothes. jeans weigh a lot. If you looking for a weight for changing car seat its an undressed weight you want. Even now hes 2.5 I get boy down to pants and vest for weight checks (every 6 month or so)


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lipstickjungle · 05/12/2008 22:03

Hi pink,
It actually makes sense but at this particular clinic i was told they only do it up to six weeks and with my regular health visitor she does not this hv was new to me.

OP posts:
katiepotatie · 05/12/2008 22:01

Our baby clinic, you have to strip them naked till they are 12 months. Thought it was standard. Also last week at hospital, dd 20 months was weighed nude too.

pinkspottywellies · 05/12/2008 21:59

As I recall we undressed them up to a year. DD is 2 now.

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