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Do you ever leave your children in their own for a few minutes?

28 replies

rickman · 03/03/2005 09:20

Message withdrawn

OP posts:
samwifewithkid · 05/03/2005 10:29

He's only moaning cos men can't multi task when they look after kids it's the only thing they do. We have to do other jobs otherwise the house wouldn't run smoothly! Every woman does it. My mum is the worst for nagging me!! Does my head in, "oh no you left her for 2 seconds, how dare you" silly woman has definately got a selective memory, I'm sure every woman does it and no one would purposely put their kids in danger!

wysiwyg · 14/03/2005 13:49

What a stupid comment - of course you can't be with them 24 hours. Wouldn't leave them if the fire was on for example (exceptional circumstances) - I think every mum knows her own child and can make this judgement call. Having said that I do hate leaving them in the car when I pay for petrol. Can't see what else you can do sometimes

ThomCat · 14/03/2005 13:54

Of course you have to leave them on their own to put the rubbish out.

How about when you don't have a drive, a child that can't walk or stand or is too young to and you have a call full of bags of food shopping?
I wonder what your ex would do. strap the child to his back and take a bag in a t a time? Of course he wouldn't, what an arse!

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