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Will you treat all your children the same financially in future years?

30 replies

posieflump · 20/07/2008 09:16

So say when you are 70 you get a windfall of 20K - you have 2 children, would you give both 10k? One of them is unemployed, lives at home , has no savings etc. the other is married to a doctor , has loads of money , own home etc. Would you still be fair or give all the money to the one who nees it the most?

OP posts:
aGalChangedHerName · 20/07/2008 21:47

Elkat that does sound fair and your parents obviously treat you both "well".

Imagine how you would feel never getting any help ever,and seeing your sibling getting money hand over fist when he doesn't deserve it???

DH and i manage to get by most of the time but on occasion we have really been skint. Ds1 had to go into hospital and we both had to have unpaid leave and things were tough.We had no help whatsoever. My db gets money for cars,holidays etc. Not essentials like food etc that we would have killed for.

Makes you feel like shit tbh and does cause resentment between my db and i.

expatinscotland · 20/07/2008 21:50

well, yes, because i'm never going to have FA as far as money is concerned .

but from your scenario, yes, i would give treat them both equally.

i think it's very unfair to give all the money to one person just because they have not been as financially successful.

llareggub · 20/07/2008 21:51

I don't ask my mother for anything and wouldn't expect anything from her. I've no idea what she intends to do with her money.

Hopefully she'll spend it on a wild and wicked retirement and leave this earth penniless and happy. Sadly she doesn't use it to go anywhere or do anything so I suspect there will be some leftover.

aGalChangedHerName · 20/07/2008 21:53

I think my db has been a failure in many things in life because my mum spoiled him. If you never have to struggle or work a bit then how do you appreciate anything?

He has spent his life running away to mummy because she holds the purse strings. It is such a draw for him. Go back to mummy and she will give you cash and anything else.

I often feel sorry for him tbh,at the age of 35 he has not one thing in his life to call his own

Morloth · 20/07/2008 22:30

Seriously? If we were 70 and got a windfall of 20k, we would be off on Safari, spending it ourselves!

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