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so dummies cold turkey or not?

10 replies

blanktyblank · 20/04/2008 13:33

been thinking about getting rid of my ds dummy (aged 20mths) .whats the best course of action in your opinion. not looking forward to it!

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blanktyblank · 21/04/2008 11:06

thanks for your tips think i will do it when dh next has a week off work that way we can share the upset and distraction.
he loves it so much its gonna be heartbreaking

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Flibbertyjibbet · 20/04/2008 21:59

Cold turkey for ds1 with the blankie that he chewed and sucked all night.
I made a big thing of putting it in the wash as usual then oh dear the washing machine must have eaten it look there's just some of the fibres left.
Two nights of hell, three or so nights of him being really unsettled and crying for it if he woke up, after that ok.

Ds2 doesn't have a dummy or anything else apart from teddy which he just cuddles, phew.

tasha22 · 20/04/2008 21:40

cold turkey worked a treat for us. dp threw it in the air and said it was away on the plane and ds1 just accepted this as he loves planes and that was the end of dummy saying that though im dreading doing ds2 i hope hes as easy

Dragonbutter · 20/04/2008 20:42

DS is 3.5. A few months ago we discussed what he would like instead. Then I came in from outside at his bedtime and excitedly told him how i'd just seen one of santa's fairies by the tree and she asked for his dummy to give to a tiny baby who needed one. I took him outside in his pj's and went to the tree to look for the fairy. And there, at the bottom of the tree was the brand new skateboard that he wanted. He was so chuffed and shouted up to the tree that the fairy could keep the dummy because he didn't need it anymore.
It made sense to him because only big boys can use a skateboard, not babies, who need dummies.
All a bit far fetched, but fun and a bit magical.....and it worked.

Monkeybird · 20/04/2008 20:37

I just did with mine (8 months) since was interfering with BF. Took it away and he screamed at night for about 2 days, still needs a bit of rocking when he doesn't BF to sleep. But interestingly now (2 weeks later) doesn't seem to miss it and has fallen asleep on his own a few times...

I went cold turkey on the grounds that he wouldn't understand just having it for a little bit/at night, cos he'd still want it at other times to soothe too, and it would seem cruel to give it sometimes and not others. all the crying would be for nothing IYSWIM... Good luck and courage!

MaureenMLove · 20/04/2008 20:34

I did cold turkey too. On Christmas Day actually! [bad mummy emoticon!] It just seemed to make sense that dd would be so exhausted and excited by everything that was going on, she wouldn't notice her dummy. It worked!

paros · 20/04/2008 20:24

cold turkey promise this is easier , Dosnt prolong the agony for them . Hey your an adult you can cope . Have you tried that fairy thing where you get this book thingy and its all about the fairy coming and taking the dummies away for othere babies . best of luck .

blanktyblank · 20/04/2008 20:14


OP posts:
gagarin · 20/04/2008 13:53

Make sure they leave the house - you may crumble if there's one in the back of the cupboard!

Poppychick · 20/04/2008 13:51

Cold Turkey worked for us! She had some prior warning and we'd talked about it. At this stage 2 and3/4 she only had the dummy for bed anyway.

Perhaps let DS choose a new toy for bedtime. Maybe drop first in the day when he can easily be distracted then build up to night time say by his 2nd birthday.

Good luck

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