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I turned the TV off yesterday, and i'm going to do it today too...

8 replies

FasterPussyCatGrrrl · 01/04/2008 07:02

The TV is always on in my house. I find the lack of 'conversation' hard, being home with 2 under 2, and have it on most of the day. DS1 watched a DVD or CBeebies for about 30mins, then it's GMTV, news, Loose Women and all manner of rubbish that i don't actually care if i see or not TBH.

My head was swimming, the kids were noisy, i was reading DS1 a book he'd asked for, but he kept turning to the TV...

So, off it went. DS1 was chatting more, once he'd got over the fact it wasn't on. We read 3 books without interuption. I could think straight. I felt less tetchy because there was less noise going on, where as i was thinking the TV was doing me a favour.

Probably not a revelation to you parents who never let your toddlers watch TV, but it was to me!

I'm having a TV-less afternoon and putting some Ska music on instead. Join me why don't you?! (Ska music optional!)

OP posts:
FasterPussyCatGrrrl · 02/04/2008 08:29

nowhere near sadly. they have a cool tshirt on sale though...

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SammyC · 02/04/2008 08:01

Hay good effort! The kids love the Scissor sisters! If your old skool ska this may have not crept into your collection ha ha!!

We are off to the park this morning!

We had Joey Negro on yesterday, great old school house music! - may be old school is the way forward !

Enjoy the day pussy! is this any where near you? wish they did this near us!

FasterPussyCatGrrrl · 02/04/2008 07:27

well it was on at least 50% less, and i didn't miss it. i did let DS1 watch 2 x 30mins of Cbeebies, but it was off after about 10am apart from that.

played ball with him, built stuff with his blocks, and neither of us had one eye on the telly. Really proud of myself.

wonder what music to play him today

oh, and i have heard of Reel Big Fish, but i'm more 'old school' ska. He likes the Specials.

OP posts:
seeker · 01/04/2008 08:05

I always want speech radio if I feel the need of company - I don't find music works as well for this.

SammyC · 01/04/2008 07:51

I agree with seeker, alas its Radio 2 for me I love listening to the debates on Jeremy Vine at lunch time.

I love the idea of ska, have you heard of reel big fish? my kids love them, picked it up in the US many many years ago and we often have afternoons of my old stuff and dance around the kitchen! I have 2 under 3 so not too far off you! Enjoy

seeker · 01/04/2008 07:42

Have you thought about having the radio on instead? I usully have radio 4,5 or 7 on. It provides the outside conversation but isn't distracting in the way TV is.

bubbleandsqueak · 01/04/2008 07:35

mine are not allowed to watch TV in the morning and only after all homework/chores are done in the evening, by this time it is half an hour before bed so it works well for us. Sometimes they forget about it altogether, which is even better.

cory · 01/04/2008 07:13

We are actually having a TV-less week, due to major strops over who gets to hold the remote control. It's incredibly peaceful.

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