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3 replies

mica23 · 17/02/2008 22:45

We dont eat meat andI really dont want to give it to dd but at the same time want to do whats best for her..Any thoughts on where to get Vegy Baby Cook Book?hmm

OP posts:
Brangelina · 17/02/2008 22:59

I don't give meat to my DD, for me it would be hypocritical to do so owing to the reasons for my vegetarianism and also I believe a vegetarian diet to be healthier on the whole, as long as you know what you're doing.

Good books I found were anything by Rose Eliot, Sara Lewis' Veggie Food for Kids and Carol Timperley's Baby and Chid vegetarian recipes. A lot about nutrition is explained so once you've got the hang of it you can devise your own recipes with confidence.

Brangelina · 17/02/2008 23:01

You will of course get lots of people telling you that children need meat, but it is so not true in the age of supermarkets and easy availability of food.

dandycandyjellybean · 18/02/2008 11:15

We're all veggie in the Cubby house, ds is, at 2.4 big, bustingly healthy and eats pretty much what we eat. He loves Quorn sausages and plain fillets with loads of veggies etc. Other days he'll have veggie casserole with sweet potatoes, baby carrots, swede, butternut squash, any other veggies going, chickpeas. Stir frys with noodles, although he insists on eating them with 'sticks like daddy' which takes him ages and ages and ages!!! . Worry not, just give dd the same diet you have until she is old enough to decide for herself...and you are doing what's best for her if - no nasty antibiotics, battery rearing, yuk!

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