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yellow thick sticky poo - help

4 replies

kelbel · 17/02/2008 15:43

My ds has always had v runny yellow liquid poos, inthe last few days he seems a little consipated, is less regular and they are v full and thick and sticky. nothings changed other than had injections on tuesday, but was totally fine until yesterday. should i be worried, he doesn't seem himself and is cryin and unsettled

OP posts:
fransmom · 17/02/2008 15:46

how old is he? maybe phone nhs helpline, you can sometimes drop lucky and get good help

kelbel · 17/02/2008 16:00

he's 9 weeks

OP posts:
fransmom · 17/02/2008 16:40

even though my dd is now nearly 3, you will learn and knwo when your baby is not themself. i would suggest if you are at all worried, which i think you are having posted your query on mn, i would take him to the docs as soon as they open. they are, i think, obliged to see a baby under the age of 1 as soon as a query is received.

it may well be that the injections have unsettled him a little, but the best thing is that it's better to be safe and visit your doc as s/he is medically qualified and i am not. i am sorry i cannot offer any concrete advcie bar suggesting you take him to docs, i hope he gets on ok and is feeling better soon xxx

MrsBadger · 17/02/2008 17:16

poo sounds fine - the subtle gradations of 'runny' 'creamy' 'thick' 'stciky' etc are all normal in a bf baby - it's hard little pellets like rabbit droppings that you need to worry about.

re 'not seeming himself', less easy. First instinct is hungry / overtired...


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