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Am I mad to be thinking of uprooting family?

15 replies

mummynumnum · 16/02/2008 22:18

Thinking of applying for new teaching job at a school 20 miles away. Will mean moving house and dd (20mths) from her much loved nursery to a new one. Money will be better and area we are moving to will be cheaper so can finally buy that 3 bed house we dream off. Just worried I am crazy and selfish to think of uprooting family, esp dd so much. Any thoughts?

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alfiesbabe · 16/02/2008 22:28

A house move at 20 months isnt a huge deal and dd would probably settle more easily than later on. But do you have to move just for a job 20 miles away? My commute isnt far off that, and it's fine - I enjoy my little oasis of radio 4 on the way to and from school

mummynumnum · 16/02/2008 22:34

My dh just looked over shoulder and said it is more like 45mins. shows what I know.

Reassuring better to do it know rather than later.

I suppose if new nursery is good she will settle fairly quickly.

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chocolatespiders · 16/02/2008 22:35

best age to move imo... harder when they are older

best of luck

SnafuAtSea · 16/02/2008 22:39

Do it - more money, larger house, better job - what's stopping you?!

Agree with the others when they say that moving your dd out of nursery really isn't too big a deal at that age. But if it's only 45 mins away - do you really have to move if you don't want to?

mummynumnum · 16/02/2008 22:46

I dont mind moving just concerned it may be unsettling for dd but you have all reassured me.

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Fizzylemonade · 17/02/2008 08:18

We did it with 16 month old, moved hundreds of miles away, new nursery. It was a bit upsetting in the first place but that was because every time he came downstairs we had unpacked more stuff and everything looked different.

But he settled into nursery well, I went from working part time to being a sahm but he went to nursery for 1 day a week.

Best decision we ever made.

Anna8888 · 17/02/2008 08:28

This is fine. Quite normal and healthy to move house to improve your life.

WideWebWitch · 17/02/2008 08:33

My word no, DO IT! AT 20 months it really isn't a big deal and er, it's only 20 miles away.

mummynumnum · 17/02/2008 10:22

I am just a worry wort. perhaps just using dd as an excuse not to brave job I have been in for 9 yrs.

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ChippyMinton · 17/02/2008 10:33

Apply for the job first and see if you get it - you could waste a lot of energy worrying unnecessarily. 20 miles isn't that far (I drive that far to work, takes about 45mins door to door) so you could try commuting for a while before committing to a move.
We have moved house a couple of times with the DC and I have to say they took it all in their stride. Best to move now rather than when your DD is settled at school.

MrsTittleMouse · 17/02/2008 11:01

The move will be much easier with a 20 month-old than when she's settled into a school. She's too young to have made an best friends yet. I'd do it!

mummynumnum · 17/02/2008 11:17

Good poitn chippy havent even got it yet!!!

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eidsvold · 17/02/2008 11:31

gosh - we took dd1 to Australia at around that age - she was happy - she had mum and dad and some familiar things. We left behind a fab nursery that she loved, the only grandma she had really known and her aunty that she loved.

IT seems the positives outweigh the negatives at this stage.

mummynumnum · 17/02/2008 11:37

Cor I wish my job was in Australia.

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AlwaysTheMummy · 17/02/2008 16:26

we moved 50 miles away from our home town when my ds was 3, he had just started his first term at nursery, we moved during the half term and he started his new school on the first day of the new term. It took him a little while to get used to being in a new house but over a year later, he's really none the wiser. He was a little disorientated when he woke in the morning for about a fortnight but thats to be expected.

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