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Mums of 6 year old boys

18 replies

WestCountryLass · 16/02/2008 22:09

Do your sons fling their arms and legs around like demented hoodlums when you are out and about?

DS is walking along with me in the supermarket, not running around, but randomly swinging his arms around and in danger of whacking someone (not intentionally).

Was doing my head in so I grabbed his hand and gave him a few sharp words and confiscated his Nintendo. Do all boys do this? Hormones?

OP posts:
juuule · 17/02/2008 08:40

Doesn't he stop if you just tell him and point out that he might hit someone? Mine normally do something like that because they just aren't thinking.
I don't think it's a Nintendo confiscating crime.
It's also not just boys.

cornsilk · 17/02/2008 08:44

Yes my ds does that. It's just burning off energy I think. Agree with Juuule - don't confiscate his Nintendo. They already have enough pressure to sit still in school.

collision · 17/02/2008 08:49

All boys do it.

It is just what they do.

Dont take away his Nintendo.

It isnt as though he was being rude and hitting people.

sdr · 17/02/2008 09:16

My DS 6 seems to sometimes have excess energy and can't be still. I'd remind him that he might hit someone and they might not be nice back to him about it. Take him to the park for a runaround.

mrsflowerpot · 17/02/2008 09:18

DS does this all the time. He's just entirely in his own little world when he's doing it I think - sometimes he doesn't know he's doing it.

DrNortherner · 17/02/2008 09:41

My ds (6 in April) does this. He seems incapable of walking anywhere normally. He is either running, flailing his arms and legs around, tripping up, bangging into things. Even when holding my had he swings, pulls me sideways etc etc.

Unfitmother · 17/02/2008 09:43

Yes, especially when cooped up in supermarkets!
Take him out. Think the confiscation is a bit OTT

saadia · 17/02/2008 09:46

yes, ds1 is exactly like this, the worst thing he does is to run on ahead and keep looking backwards.

Bouncingturtle · 17/02/2008 09:53

My dss is the same, not so much when we are out but when we are in the house. I don't think their spacial awareness is that great at this age.
As I type this, dh is getting him dressed and I've just heard him tell dss to "stop thrashing around!" LOL
Think confiscating Nintendo a bit extreme, we do correct dss especially when he ends up hitting us or things - agree it is bloody annoying but i don't think he is doing it deliberately.

WestCountryLass · 17/02/2008 22:33

The Nintendo was confiscated for the rest of the day because he did not stop doing it when I asked him to and he was warned (and I wasn't about to say we wouldn't go to the farm because it was what he needed plus my DD would have missed out too and the Nintendo is the one thing dear to him).

Reassurring to know that other boys (children) do this. We had stopped at the supermarket on the way to a farm park so he did indeed get to let off steam. I do always take the kids to get fresh air and run around on the weekend btw

It is just the random flaining of limbs concerns me when there are other people nearby, if he makes contact it hurts!

OP posts:
cornsilk · 18/02/2008 00:56

saadia my ds does the running ahead and looking backwards thing as well! It scares me - once he nearly ran into a skip.

Califrau · 18/02/2008 01:46

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seeker · 18/02/2008 05:45

My 6 year old plays imaginary football all the time - with running commentary!

DoodleToYou · 18/02/2008 08:21

Message withdrawn

CaptainUnderpants · 18/02/2008 08:41

Yes they do it ! As a mother of a 7r old and 5 yrold DS they are incapable of walking in a straight line , quietly except when they are at school .

Always running , always playing 'IT' always shouting to eating other .

Doddle your Beaver hall sounds like the one my eldest goes to ! I really dont know how the leaders do it .

Twiglett · 18/02/2008 08:55

mine has never flailed but it seems he is the exception

MamaG · 18/02/2008 08:58

When does the flailing start? DS is 4 soon but doesn't do it (yet!)

WestCountryLass · 18/02/2008 09:11

I want to know when it stops!!!!!

My DS did not start it til Reception.

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