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what age were your DC when YOU became "sooooo not funny"?

7 replies

chocfest · 16/02/2008 18:24

Overnight, at the start of secondary school, we became "sooooooo embarassing", "soooooo not funny", and as for walking along the street together, "sooooo not happening"

Just interested when it happened to you? 11? 12? younger or older?

OP posts:
thejollygardener · 16/02/2008 18:44

Oh def the day I drove into the secondary school carpark to collect DD and parked in the teachers spaces, waving frantically when she came walking out with her new friends. I was calling out "little chicken" im over here! That did it for her, i was soooooooo uncool! Never been allowed near school since, and have to drop her half a mile away in case we are "seen"

needmorecoffee · 16/02/2008 18:46
  1. I am now a shameful embaressment
Cappuccino · 16/02/2008 18:47

rofl at 'little chicken'

brimfull · 16/02/2008 18:48

my dd was in yr 6 when I became an embarrassment and got pregnant of all things...she was horrified!

cory · 16/02/2008 19:20

Hasn't happened yet, she's in Year 6, so watch this space....

scanner · 16/02/2008 19:23

DS aged 5 told my Mum she was embarrassing him in the playground the other day!

KerryMum · 16/02/2008 19:25

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