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Dont know where to start to get DD out of nighttime nappies...?

11 replies

goingbonkers · 14/02/2008 23:43

DD wears nappies at night but doesn't like putting them on. Not sure she's ready to go without as she has a very full nappy in the morn. Have tried getting her to go to the loo when I go to bed but she gets upset if i wake her, refuses to go to the loo and then won't go back to sleep!! Not good

Is it best to just take the plunge and see what happens?

I am not good at being all cheerful and positive at 3am, 4am, 5am etc!!

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Flibbertyjibbet · 14/02/2008 23:54

we just took the plunge with ds1 a couple of months after he was fully dry daytimes. Took a couple of weeks of wet beds every other night or so. I found that if he had a nappy on he would wee. No nappy, he tried not to wee.
DP lifts him to the loo at about 11pm, he doesn't like it, whinges etc but just goes back to sleep after. We don't put any lights on, pick him up and carry him, pull his jamie bottoms down before putting him on the loo and we support him while he sits there so he doesn't really wake up.

On the other hand, if you have no objection to shelling out for nappies then keep using them.

He still wets a bit once every 10 days or so but hey you have to change the sheets sometimes.

pigsinmud · 15/02/2008 11:32

How old is she? I had the other problem as my dd1 was too scared to go without a nappy even though they were dry night after night. We use cloth, so no cost issue.

Personally I've never lifted any of mine. If the nappy is very full it might suggest she's not ready... or as my dd1 did sometimes, would do a huge wee just after she woke up in the morning!

goingbonkers · 15/02/2008 22:33

She is 3 so I know there's no great rush.. Not keen on the lifting thing myself as my nephew was always asleep on the loo and struggled to wake himself up to go in the night.

Not so bothered about cost as a pack of nappies last a month and I'd rather pay than have endless washing of sheets to do!!

I don't know if she wees all through the night or not - that's a good point! She may well be holding it for hours without me realising it!! Might get organised and give it a go!! Thanks!!

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ChasingSquirrels · 15/02/2008 22:35

I was convinced ds was weeing in the morning when he woke rather than through the night, so I asked him if he still wanted a nappy - he said no and that was it, 3 accidents in the first fortnight then sorted.
When he took his nappy off in the morning it was very warm - which implied he had just weed. Maybe worth checking that.

Chuffinnora · 15/02/2008 22:42

I used to put down those pampers bed sheet things on top of the sheets so if LO's did have an accident I could whip it of and put a new one down in the middle of the night. However I never used more than one - DS was dry day and night as soon as he was potty trained.
I think those sheets can give you a bit more confidence to try and you may be pleasantly surprised.

goingbonkers · 15/02/2008 22:47

Ooh they sound good. Will def look out for those next time I get to the shops. Thanks!!

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sweetkitty · 15/02/2008 22:50

I am thinking the same thing about DD1 she is 3.6yo and still has a pull up at night. She is a heavy wetter and toilet training has been a nightmare even know she still has accidents. Her pull up is really wet in the morning but I have noticed that is she has one on for 5 minutes before going to bed she will pee in it IYSWIM so she knows she has one on and isn't going to the toilet.

I am thinking of leaving it until she is 4 TBH.

Chuffinnora · 15/02/2008 22:51

bed mats
Good Luck.

mistlethrush · 15/02/2008 22:56

Ds is in really nice training pants (Diaperraps - got some from Flame) - means that its easy to lift him at 11 when we go to bed, but he can also do it himself, so will sometimes wake at 4 or 5 and have a wee himself. Haven't had an accident for weeks, but in no hurry to stop him wearing them at the moment. He's currently 2.10....

goingbonkers · 15/02/2008 22:58

Thanks Chufinnora. Def gonna give that a go.
Thanks every1 for your help. Will let you know how we get on.

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MrsMopple · 15/02/2008 23:01

I am no where near this with ds, but did read a good tip about 'layering' the sheets. SO if you make up the bed with a bed mat or whatever, then a sheet, then another bed mat, another sheet, etc. That way, if your lo wets the bed over night you can strip the top layer off in no time and with minimal fuss before getting lo back into bed. I thought it sounded like a really good idea

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