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Nappy Folds

5 replies

Boomally · 11/02/2008 10:20

I've been experimenting with different nappy folds over the past few weeks, particularly the bat fold as suggested by someone on another thread. The problem with it is I'm finding it difficult to adjust for an ever growing toddler. I've now discovered the "neat" fold, which is as the name suggests, and is both very easy to adjust to different sizes, and also to boost for nighttimes. Has anyone else tried it? What is your best fold?

OP posts:
Vacua · 11/02/2008 18:27

I don't know what it was called, but used to fold into thirds and adjust at the top for fit? it was easy, needed 2 pins of course, but good for babies on the move as less bulky around top of leg

Buckets · 12/02/2008 13:45

Here's my own toddler fold invention, it's about the biggest waistband you'll get and contains toddler diarrhea ok (necessity is the mother of incention).

Fold 2 nearest corners up to meet in the middle, giving you the upside-down house shape.
Fold one of your new diagonals over, the line going from central basepoint to far corner. Repeat on the other side, they don't have to quite meet along the centreline - flatness is more important. You should now have a narrow triangle with the topline still about 60cm (this is your waistband.)
Stick a booster pad in the middle if nec, tuck the basepoint under it and pop a liner on top. Stick a bum on it, pull up the front and twist/tuck the sides under the bum a bit as you bring them to the front for nippa'ing.
Do ask if that doesn't make sense LOL.

Boomally · 12/02/2008 20:20

I got as far as the upside-down house shape, but then you lost me!

OP posts:
Buckets · 12/02/2008 21:22

OK, have pics in my profile now (knew I had them knocking around somewhere.)

Imagine a diagonal line from top corner to bottom centre point).You're not folding to meet anything, just to create that diagonal line and make that pointier triangle.
It may be less absorbent in the middle but that's where the booster pad goes. (In my pic2 they do meet in the middle but you'll notice this compromises the top corners so the waistband will be slightly less than 60cm.)

Boomally · 17/02/2008 17:02

Oh, I see now. It's a bit like the "V" fold on the nappylady website. Will it pin OK each side with a nappy pin, as I've never got on with those nippas?

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