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Play equipment for small garden

10 replies

Elvisinthechipshop · 14/08/2021 21:23

DD (4) is less and less interested in her sand and water table, which she's had since she was 1. I would love to get her something else to play with outside but we don't have the room for a full-on climbing frame and smaller stuff like slides seems to be more suitable for toddlers. She haa a space hopper and some plastic stepping stone things I got from Amazon. Does anyone have any ideas of other equipment which offers some physical challenge but doesnt require a lot of space? No specific price limit.

OP posts:
Findahouse21 · 14/08/2021 21:25

What are your boundaries made of? We have the climbing hand/foot holds along a wall in our garden. Trampoline is also well loved, and I'd really love one that is sunk into the ground

PumpkinKlNG · 14/08/2021 21:26

You can’t definitely get bigger slides if you have the space smyths have big ones for older kids

PumpkinKlNG · 14/08/2021 21:27

Not physically challenging but a play house?

RandomUsernameHere · 14/08/2021 21:30

How about a basketball hoop, football goal or swing ball set?

Elvisinthechipshop · 14/08/2021 21:31

@Findahouse21 fences on both sides, so the footholds are probably not an option (sound great though!). A sunken trampoline would be brilliant (if my husband could be convinced).

OP posts:
skkyelark · 15/08/2021 12:05

Hula hoop? Skipping rope? Let her draw hopscotch/similar on your patio, if you have one. Garden balance beam, you can buy/make portable ones so it doesn't need to be a permanent feature.

Not a physical challenge, but a small world play area with bark, stones, sand, little plants, stuff for making little houses, etc. You could possibly repurpose her sand/water table for that.

NigellaSeed · 15/08/2021 13:09

I had a trimball - loved it. Looks like they're known as Pogo balls now. Takes up no room :)

Elvisinthechipshop · 15/08/2021 20:49

Some v good ideas here, thank you. We do have a skipping rope that she has started to get the hang of (she can skip with it but only if she sort of walks forwards at the same time). A balance beam is a good idea. And I love the pogoball idea too! Thank you.

OP posts:
Hercisback · 15/08/2021 20:51

Chalk for patio/wall drawing.
Mine still like their sandpit and paddling pool in summer.
Bat and ball, but the balls with holes that don't fly far over the fence!
We also have some mini gardening stuff like watering can, small secateurs etc.

Firsttimecatlady · 15/08/2021 21:09

Swingball! We have one that comes with it’s own base, so you don’t have to have grass to sink it into. We also set up target practice with nerf guns (not my decision to buy them, so try to channel them in a slightly more friendly way… Confused ) Extra mumsnet points if you make the “targets” answers to simple maths or spelling questions - that shit got us through a lot of home schooling! Grin

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