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What age did your little boy stand up to wee?

41 replies

Opalfeet · 10/05/2021 23:17

Just that really. He's 3 and a bit. Nursery asked if he stood up to wee. I thought boys that age all sat down. If he stands on his step, he'll barely be big enough to get his penis over the toilet. 🤷‍♀️
Please share with me the age at which your littlies managed it.

OP posts:
CoalCraft · 11/05/2021 04:18

Is it something they have to learn? DH almost always sits. Tells me it's more comfortable.

I online have a DD though so can't say I've given it much thought!

Caspianberg · 11/05/2021 08:20

I read somewhere that small children should be encouraged to sit, as then boys more likely to realise they might need to poop also. Otherwise they can get into habit of quickly weeing standing and can get constipated as don’t always have the urge to just go?
No idea If that’s factual, but I think I’m will be teaching Ds to sit if possible.

MayflowerMaisie · 11/05/2021 08:27

DS 10 sits at home, no idea what he does when out.

Blugh · 11/05/2021 08:36

I read somewhere that small children should be encouraged to sit, as then boys more likely to realise they might need to poop also. Otherwise they can get into habit of quickly weeing standing and can get constipated as don’t always have the urge to just go? of quickly weeing standing and can get constipated as don’t always have the urge to just go?

That’s really interesting and actually makes a lot of sense !

Frymetothemoon · 11/05/2021 08:41


Why would you teach them to stand up? They just piss all over the floor, keep them sitting down.. ( never understood this one.. bleugh!)

Yep, so pleased that DH sits to pee. I can always tell when there's been another man in the house (yuk!)
Have heard it's better for the prostate too
HoppingPavlova · 11/05/2021 08:49

Mine never sat down, stood up from the beginning of toilet training. You put something in the toilet for them to aim at. From memory I think we used stuff like a ping pong ball with a face drawn on it or something. I remember it didn’t flush away but popped back up, think it was ping pong balls but may have been some special toilet training ball? Toddlers watch patents go to the toilet (ours always hated closed doors), and boys seem to want to do it like dad?

Missreginafalange · 11/05/2021 09:50

Mine was 2, not long after he potty trained he saw his brother standing for a wee and never sat again Grin

soughsigh · 11/05/2021 17:00

I followed the oh crap method of potty training and she suggests that little boys sit down till they're tall enough to reach without standing on a step - seems sensible to me. I'll certainly not be encouraging him to stand anyway!

selflove · 11/05/2021 17:03

Single mum of a 5year old boy. This has never occurred to me before, I only taught sitting down, and standing never occurred to me, so I asked him! He says he does stand up wees at school because everyone does, but sit down wees at home because it's comfier!

Mountainmama29 · 28/05/2021 22:19

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97thousand1hundredand4 · 28/05/2021 22:45

4 year old has only ever sat. His dad also always sits, so he's never really seen different.

Sarahplane · 28/05/2021 22:48

I think mine was about 6 or 7.

Oldandcobwebby · 28/05/2021 22:59

I'm 57 and I started sitting to wee about 5 years ago. It's far better. You can't miss, and it gives you a chance to ponder on things.

xprincessxjanetx · 28/05/2021 23:34

My 4 year old DS sits down. My 10 year old DS stands up but I can't for the life of me remember when he did but it was definitely not at age 3! I would guess around 5/6?

Maray1967 · 29/05/2021 00:58

I think DS1 was about 5 or 6, but DS2 always sits (13) and there’s a lot less mess.

Chelyanne · 29/05/2021 11:21

Let him do it when he's comfortable doing it, no age to aim for.

I clean the loo a lot because our 10 year old boy pees on the seat, really annoying when I'm desperate and don't notice it before sitting down.

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