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4 week old struggling to bring up wind - PLEASE HELP

14 replies

diddle · 04/11/2007 22:55

My 4 week old is struggling with painful wind, he can't bring it up. I give infacol at feeding time and that brings some up, but always seems to be left with more. any tips??

OP posts:
diddle · 16/11/2007 20:44

thats fab thanks so much. will give it a go.
sleeping for 12 hours!!!! i need some of that stuff, you sure thers not whisky in it??

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Annabellemary · 16/11/2007 15:29

I have a four week old baby and I have had serious trouble with wind. I gave up on Infacol when I found Colief, this is something you buy off the shelf at the chemist and add to the milk/formula. I bought it to help with trapped wind/Colic and with Colief and Dr Brown's anti-colic bottles my baby has gone from one that screamed for twelve hours through the night to one that sleeps for twelve hours through the night.

Also a new trick I have learnt is to sit her on my knee and whilst rubbing and patting her back I shake my leg gently up and down and this gives the biggest burps known to man.

Good luck!

bodiddly · 05/11/2007 21:03

gripe water and infacol worked for us .. together with plenty of stopping during the feed for winding, well most of the time at least!

diddle · 05/11/2007 21:00

good to hear theres light at the end of the tunnel. i don't remember ds1 being like this when he was little.

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Laredo · 05/11/2007 21:00

Lay him face down over your arm, head close to your elbow holding him with your other arm round him and sway, - the pressure seems to help.
Good luck.

ScaryHairy · 05/11/2007 20:58

Also, try putting him upright with his head on your shoulder and walking up and down the stairs.

It will get better really soon. I was despairing when my DD was 4 weeks, and by 6 weeks she was starting to bring the wind up by herself.

diddle · 05/11/2007 20:54

thanks all, will gve your methods a go

OP posts:
mrschop · 05/11/2007 11:15

Infacol didn't work with my DD, but gripe water was really good - I was formula feeding too and found that avoiding ready mixed cartons in favour of powder you mix yourself helped, too.

mrschop · 05/11/2007 11:15

Infacol didn't work with my DD, but gripe water was really good - I was formula feeding too and found that avoiding ready mixed cartons in favour of powder you mix yourself helped, too.

clur79 · 05/11/2007 10:57

I would also swear by the lying them down in the middle of a feed for a few minutes then putting them back over my shoulder and winding again. My ds used to suffer bad around 4 weeks as well.

beowulf · 05/11/2007 09:40

What I do with DS

method one: hold him upright against me and rock back and forwards.

method two: hold him upright with his head and arm over my shoulder and pat his back.

method three: sit him upright on my lap and, bend him at the hips with his back straight, back and forth.

one of those methods is usually effective. We do infacol too. But it'll get easier in a few weeks

DynamiteDaisy · 04/11/2007 23:08

we used to squeeze DD at waist level and follow on up through her body, iyswim, or else do clockwise circles on her tummy with the flat of our hand...would get the wind out one way or the other.

It's horrible at this stage, but it will get better. My DD is now 22 weeks and the very act of sitting her up after a feed makes h burp quite freely!

gigglewitch · 04/11/2007 23:03

clever midwife told us to put DS in one of the baby bouncer chairs - i said oooh but he's not old enough... she said just do it and see.

tried nurse harveys gripe water? we found that worked for our DC better than infacol tho theory has it the other way round our lot are just awkward

coleyboy · 04/11/2007 23:00

Have you tried laying him flat for a while, then sitting him? This always worked with ds.

Are you sure it is wind?

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