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Yoto player or Toniebox for a 3 year old?

8 replies

Zooforhouse · 18/02/2021 23:07

Sons birthday coming up and was planning on getting him a Toniebox as a ploy to reduce screen time. I know he would love the little figures too.

However I’ve come across the yoto player today. Anyone have any experience of these? Confused as to which to get.


OP posts:
Piccalino3 · 28/02/2021 00:51

We have a tonie box and it's loved by my 1, 4 and 7 year old. The tonies give me something to buy at Christmas/birthdays etc so I don't mind that. I'm really happy with it.

Choconuttolata · 28/02/2021 00:31

Yoto, it is very robust, both my 7 and 9 year old have one. You can get blank cards to make your own audiobook cards (you can record yourself reading books they love or add MP3 files and re-use them) or music tracks, loads of choice of story cards to buy, podcasts and radio.

HandforthParishCouncilClerk · 28/02/2021 00:02

We love the toniebox, DS uses it all the time.

FizzingWhizzbee123 · 27/02/2021 23:17

Yoto definitely! It’s perfectly robust. My 3 ye old loves it. It’s got so many more functions than the Toniebox and will last them for years. It’s a brilliant bit of kit. The cards are much cheaper, there’s more variety with the stories, the Make Your Own cards are an awful lot more cost effective, cards take up less space to store. It’s a radio, podcasts, sleep noises, nightlight, clock. We love ours. It’s used daily.

I have a £10 off code, if you want it. Also 15% off cards until 4 March.

jamcrumpets · 25/02/2021 11:41

I just got a yoto for my 2 year old and she loves it, i bought it in mind to allow it to grow with her as I hate to spend that much money on something she'd get bored of in years, the winning feature for me is being able to make your own cards and put your own content on it. We've had grandparents record them reading a story and we put that on a card so my daughter and pick to play and hear their voices. It's really sweet. Initially the make your own cards are expensive but I see you can get aftermarket ones on ebay now at almost half the price, so i will be stocking up.

Zooforhouse · 19/02/2021 08:58

Thank you! Will go with the original idea then.

OP posts:
Crescia · 18/02/2021 23:33

We have both and I'd go for the tonie. The yoto has more content but is less robust and not as appealing to the under 5s.

purplebatbear · 18/02/2021 23:17

I've not played with the yoto one but I can vouch for the Toniebox. DD has had one for ages and it's great. She loves it, it's sturdy and I've been very impressed.

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