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17 month old very picky eating.

29 replies

ArrabellaAM · 26/10/2020 09:18

Hi, I've been wondering about posting for a while.
My ds used to be fantastic at eating whilst weaning, would always try new fruit/veg has always been a little fussy with meat.

He's now 17 months old and completely refuses new foods (or food he hasn't seen in a while) if it's something new he will touch it with one finger, make a face and pucker his lips. If we leave it on his table he gets really upset and looks almost traumatised Confused

He's surviving off of a diet of weetabix, cheerios, porridge or toast for breakfast. (with some fruit either banana, raspberries, strawberries or apple)

Cheese spread sandwiches and cucumber pieces for dinner - obviously loves raisins as well.

And fish fingers/chicken nuggets with a potato side either mash or waffles/alphabets with mixed veg (usually only eats the peas and carrots)

He eats like a trooper at nursery but I don't exactly know what he has - would it be reasonable for me to ask for his food writing down so I know?

Im starting to worry because whenever I cook something myself from scratch he turns his nose up at it and only really wants to eat freezer food/processed crap Confused

Is this normal toddler behaviour or could he have some underlying issues?

OP posts:
orangejuicer · 28/10/2020 08:46

That pdf was really helpful thanks. I have also been wondering about food size but rather the actual size of the pieces than portion.

Lborostudent55 · 09/02/2021 15:51

Hello everyone :)

I'm currently in my final year at Loughborough University, studying for a degree in Psychology. I'm looking for volunteers to take part in my final year research project. I am investigating the impact of children's eating behaviour on parental mental health and wellbeing. The study aims to influence the support that is available for parents who have difficulties feeding their child(ren).

If you have a child between the ages of 2-10, the survey takes around 10 minutes to complete if you could spare this! There is a full participant information sheet available via the link below. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
Thank you so much! :)

dreaming174 · 10/02/2021 11:41

I batch make things and portion up in freezer. I find it easier to hide veg that way eg toddler bolognaise with grated zucchini and mixed veg, husband makes veggie tuna pasta bake and freezes... So easy to just microwave it when needed.

dreaming174 · 10/02/2021 11:43

Oh I should also say, mine will eat things if its on our plate that she wouldn't dream on touching on hers eg asparagus, halloumi broccoli, carrots,cucumber... Sometimes I pretend to pick from mine but take from hers.

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