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Can I let my 5yr old sleep in her fleecey onesie?

13 replies

Peacefulmama · 14/11/2018 02:48

Label says for lounge use only but we're having building work some and house is cold. 5 yr old dd is in our room, sleeping on the floor. Its 2.30am and shes woke me up saying she is cold. I put her in the fleecy onesie with a light blanket over legs and feet. Does anyone else do this? Let their kids sleep in top to toe fleece? She has gone back to sleep but I am having an irrational worry she will get far too hot and will get v ill as a result. Stupid brain. Someone pls tell me to CTFO.

OP posts:
purpleme12 · 15/11/2018 09:42

I was more referring to the ones with a hood. But each to their own of course

zzzzz · 15/11/2018 09:11

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purpleme12 · 15/11/2018 09:10

I wouldn't want to take risk personally

MrsRhettButler · 15/11/2018 00:05

I've woken up with my hood wrapped tightly around my neck before so I don't let my dc sleep in hoods.

Fleece? She will wake up and strip off if she's too hot I would think.

Primarystress · 15/11/2018 00:02

I think the labels advising not to use as sleepwear are probably something to do with them not meeting fire retardant standards for sleepwear, rather than the hood being a particular issue?

purpleme12 · 14/11/2018 21:07

Blackink it always says on the label not for sleepwear if it's got a hood even for this age. I did think it was strange but I wouldn't risk it personally. Occasionally you do stories of situations like this

BlackInk · 14/11/2018 10:26

Surely a hood isn't a suffocation risk for a 5 year old??

Overheating in bed is only a risk for tiny babies who aren't yet able to move covers, take off clothes or shout for help if they get too warm.

My similar aged DD will get up in the night and put on her cat onsie if she gets chilly. And it has a hood (with ears) Shock. If she gets warm she strips off. At 5 they're just as capable as an adult at regulating their body temperature.

smashedavocadoontoast · 14/11/2018 06:10

My daughter’s pyjamas are fleece and she sleeps in those.

Rachelover40 · 14/11/2018 05:55

Nothing wrong with sleeping in fleecy onesie. Why not let her get into bed with you and snuggle for warmth?

MaverickSnoopy · 14/11/2018 03:15

Yes so long as it doesn't have a hood (suffocation risk). Kids pj's are often not warm enough when it's really cold.

MemoriesOfAnotherFuture · 14/11/2018 03:11

Does it have a hood? I think a hood can be a suffocation risk.

whoami24601 · 14/11/2018 02:58

Naked by morning that should have said!

whoami24601 · 14/11/2018 02:58

My 6yo DD sleeps in hers all the time. Sometimes she's naked by owning as she's too hot. At 5 she's old enough to wake up and take it off if she's warm!

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