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Chicken pox on scalp

6 replies

LauraO1905 · 24/02/2018 19:24

So my DD (4) has chicken pox. Really bad case, they're all over and causing her a lot of distress. She's had calpol and we've covered her in calamine but she's still in so much discomfort as she has a load on her scalp.

Is there anything I can do to help her? I could put calamine on her head but I think she'd go mad about it being in her hair. She just keeps screaming 'make it stop, make it stop' breaking my heart ☹️

OP posts:
LauraO1905 · 24/02/2018 19:58

Thanks for all your replies.

Local chemist is open til 11pm so will see if they have any virasoothe!

OP posts:
superking · 24/02/2018 19:38

Virasoothe is good for the scalp. Also have you given her any piriton - relieves the itching and helps them sleep. Good luck, my 4 year old had it a few months ago and it's horrible seeing them distressed. Just keep telling yourself that this too will pass.

itsgoingtoofast · 24/02/2018 19:38

Virasoothe as a PP said is supposed to help or we used eurax. Also you can give piriton. Speak to the pharmacist but there are definitely better options than calamine. Put some oats in tights and stick on tap and fill a bath will also soothe. Or bicarbonate of
Soda in the bath or in a paste and painted on.

DS was at his happiest in the bath when he had it.

Calpol is fine to give but it's not recommended that you give ibuprofen/ nurofen.

I hope she feels better soon, I suspect it's on it away for my DD as it's rife round our way!

QuilliamCakespeare · 24/02/2018 19:36

Were just coming out the other side of chicken pox and both my kids had huge blisters on their scalp. Virasoothe and rubbing their heads gently seemed to help (especially for baby).

Gunpowder · 24/02/2018 19:34

Everyone seems to either rate Virasoothe or Poxclin. Mine found Poxclin the most helpful. Poor little thing, hope she's better soon.

Finola1step · 24/02/2018 19:27

My dd had it as a baby a few years ago. Her scalp was covered. The only thing that soothed it was a product called Virasoothe iirc. Bought it from Boots. I applied a good dollop on my hands, massaged her scalp and it helped her sleep. Do you have a late opening chemist nearby?

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